"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

Doom is not imminent. We will see 1-2 C global warming and species die off. Also flooding in low lying areas. Also movement of disease-vectors into areas previously too cold for them. This isn't even a prediction, it's already happening. But it's not doom, it is a degradation of the world we live in although the hundreds of thousands or maybe millions of people directly affected might say otherwise. The rate at which fossil fuels are being dumped into the atmosphere will take this degradation to higher levels and it's not too late to stop it.

Right now, we deal with a government administration that denies science. Until they are dealt with, we can't make progress on this issue. So, that's the objective for now.

Did you get your right to vote back?

I have voted in every election since 1984. Every election.
Sry but I did not read any of this tread. I can't. I'm baked. I just want to say that this too is a matter national security; sure, we (NA + EU) will be able to handle the floods (We will lose a lot of lives though. And dollars too). But we already witnessed the consequences of climate change in unstable regions (e.g. Syria and Iraq). What will happen in India, Pakistan, North Korea or China when food and water is even more scarce and/or different ethnicities are forced to live side by side in appaling and corrupt conditions? Or in Africa where the population will be booming? Will we be able to build walls high enough? Will it be worth it? What is the worth of the values of the enlightenment in such a time? Can we dismiss those values and retain our sense of self-worth? And lastly if we shy away from this challenge, what other challenges won't we be able to face? And where does conceding defeat leave the human race mentally? By then we are no longer gods.
then came science.
you first?
Why?I don't believe in your global warming GOD
The planet is doing alright

Well I have learnt heaps off you blokes
Never going to have another ice age, (this was the best one)
The weather has "nothing" to do with the climate
Next was ttystikk doing her bit for global warming, growing outside shit inside and now getting central heating ( at great cost to the environment)

Wait till summer starts and you ladies can really start sooking about the weather
Sry but I did not read any of this tread. I can't. I'm baked. I just want to say that this too is a matter national security; sure, we (NA + EU) will be able to handle the floods (We will lose a lot of lives though. And dollars too). But we already witnessed the consequences of climate change in unstable regions (e.g. Syria and Iraq). What will happen in India, Pakistan, North Korea or China when food and water is even more scarce and/or different ethnicities are forced to live side by side in appaling and corrupt conditions? Or in Africa where the population will be booming? Will we be able to build walls high enough? Will it be worth it? What is the worth of the values of the enlightenment in such a time? Can we dismiss those values and retain our sense of self-worth? And lastly if we shy away from this challenge, what other challenges won't we be able to face? And where does conceding defeat leave the human race mentally? By then we are no longer gods.

We don't have all the answers but we can certainly get started.

Simply denying the problems won't solve them. History is littered with the bones of civilizations that could not adapt to change.

We don't have all the answers but we can certainly get started.

Simply denying the problems won't solve them. History is littered with the bones of civilizations that could not adapt to change.

Civilization has done a pretty good job of adapting to the local climate, from desert dwellers to Eskimo's and everywhere in-between
Fuck we will even survive the next ice age, we survived the last one
So much bullshit.


San Jose flood: Feds refused to fund project that would have saved Rock Springs neighborhood

More than a decade ago, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers considered a $7.4 million project that would have protected the Rock Springs neighborhood from last month’s devastating floods. But it concluded the project was too costly — and refused to fund it.


I can find 100 more stories just like this one.
So much bullshit.


San Jose flood: Feds refused to fund project that would have saved Rock Springs neighborhood

More than a decade ago, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers considered a $7.4 million project that would have protected the Rock Springs neighborhood from last month’s devastating floods. But it concluded the project was too costly — and refused to fund it.


I can find 100 more stories just like this one.

They shouldn't build houses on flood plains, or low lying areas where it will flood
Why?I don't believe in your global warming GOD
The planet is doing alright

Well I have learnt heaps off you blokes
Never going to have another ice age, (this was the best one)
The weather has "nothing" to do with the climate
Next was ttystikk doing her bit for global warming, growing outside shit inside and now getting central heating ( at great cost to the environment)

Wait till summer starts and you ladies can really start sooking about the weather

Here! take this with you.


Signature tree species in the high Sierra Nevada forests – including mountain hemlock, red fir and western white pine – are shifting toward higher, cooler elevations according to new research by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW). This study foreshadows how climate warming may significantly alter entire habitats for multiple species.
Why?I don't believe in your global warming GOD
The planet is doing alright

Well I have learnt heaps off you blokes
Never going to have another ice age, (this was the best one)
The weather has "nothing" to do with the climate
Next was ttystikk doing her bit for global warming, growing outside shit inside and now getting central heating ( at great cost to the environment)

Wait till summer starts and you ladies can really start sooking about the weather
It's HVAC with a dual circuit chiller, heating and cooling my home for far less energy cost than traditional methods.

But you're too short-sighted to care about efficiency.
Simply denying the problems won't solve them. History is littered with the bones of civilizations that could not adapt to change

I believe that's the bare minimum. We (people who are alive at this point in time) have the torch and soon we will have to pass it on. Unwillingly, of course but not unwittingly. We have a responsibilitity. It's IRL. It's the very same responsibility that our forefathers - knowingly or unknowingly - managed well enough that we're alive today. Let's take it seriously and let's take ourselves seriously; we should not let our own wrath and stubbornness be our demise.

Looks like an ice berg ahead, might get a few thousand more years of nice weather yet,
All depends on sunspot activity, might get another little ice age sooner than you think, but probably not, we have just come out of one
Why?I don't believe in your global warming GOD
The planet is doing alright

Well I have learnt heaps off you blokes
Never going to have another ice age, (this was the best one)
The weather has "nothing" to do with the climate
Next was ttystikk doing her bit for global warming, growing outside shit inside and now getting central heating ( at great cost to the environment)

Wait till summer starts and you ladies can really start sooking about the weather
no one said any of that. youignant
[QUOTE="esh dov ets, post: 13400008, member: 945518 there is enough earth air and water and space for more than everybody.
love ya man, but that aint true[/QUOTE]
it will not always be at this rate. it is true we would have to change the way we operate but even now no one has to be homeless or malnourished but for the way industries operate . it's the sad truth