"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

Smog and extremely poor air quality totally isn't a problem in China where they run similar regulations (or lack there of)...
Its so bad in China that even they have signed on to the need to cut emissions. Polluted air isn't a partisan issue after it becomes polluted. You don't know what you've got til it's gone.
It doesn't have to be all or nothing.
I'm looking to go balls deep into solar soon. I have everything planned out; 4.4KWh system, battery packs I'm gonna build from discarded laptop lithium cells. I'm handy with electronics so I'll able to monitor it all 24/7 anywhere in the world.

Then I've space leftover for an evacuated tube system and I can tie it's 300L tank directly into heating and running hot water.

It's expensive but guaranteed for 25 years and hits ROI after about 7 or 8, also means I can run 220v instead of 110v which will make the wiring able to take a higher load far safer.

Need to do a full rewire soon anyway, I bought an older property cheap a few years ago that is totally livable but needs "updating".
Totally, there needs to be a push to move over to it. No one is suggesting we rapidly stop burning fossil fuels, but they could be phased out over a number of years.

Think about what the cost of the Iraq/Afghanistan War and the Joint Strike Fighter...

If they'd spent that money domestically...could have fixed homelessness permanently, we could've visited Mars, we could have made insane leaps in the technology available to us in combating climate change, we could've had a whole generation of kids that were educated for free that would start paying taxes now.

Until all fossil fuels are completely consumed it's going to be business as usual.
Totally, there needs to be a push to move over to it. No one is suggesting we rapidly stop burning fossil fuels, but they could be phased out over a number of years.

Think about what the cost of the Iraq/Afghanistan War and the Joint Strike Fighter...

If they'd spent that money domestically...could have fixed homelessness permanently, we could've visited Mars, we could have made insane leaps in the technology available to us in combating climate change, we could've had a whole generation of kids that were educated for free that would start paying taxes now.

Imagine how this world would be if we wiped it clean and started from scratch. ;)
But in this world it is.
Not really. In fact, very few examples of immediate and widespread peaceful change in history. Society and technology have to be ready for the change but some people always resist it. Just like the climate change debate. Insisting that it be all one way or all another is basically just supporting the status quo. Change isn't fast because people resist it by doing dumb things like voting for Trump. Society has to cut fossil fuel emissions or face significant loss of life and quality of life. People recognize this. Change is happening and will accelerate over time. Even with a Trump as president, the rest of the world is moving towards low carbon emissions. Markets are driving the change, not politicians. All Chump can do is slow progress down and put the US at a disadvantage in the energy sector. Your fatalism and nihilism is yours and yours alone.

Not even Trump can easily reverse our progress on climate change

continuing declines in the costs of alternative energy sources are making them increasingly competitive. Since 2008, costs have fallen 41 percent for land-based wind power and 64 percent for utility-scale solar power. The cost of efficient LED light bulbs has fallen 94 percent since 2008. The cost of battery storage has declined 70 percent over that period, making electric vehicles more affordable. As of last August, there were 490,000 electric vehicles on the road.

Same goes with your weird wish that apocalypse is just around the corner. WTF? Your conviction is based on a pile of assumptions including that you have some sort of god like ability to see into the future. Trump triggering nuclear Armageddon is a remote possibility, that's all. Then again, if it happens, there is nothing to do but say goodbye. Its a shitty passive kind of viewpoint and not very useful. It's very likely not going to happen and can be prevented if Trump gets trigger happy.

Yuck. Yours is an awful way to live a life.
what was the 45 mil from? the name of it?
so to fight climate change, you just need a bunch of money (not to cut CO2 emissions?) Interesting, eventually, we get down to the real core of the issues if you keep looking
talking out of ones ass is a shitty business
not from money Leonardo DiCaprio helped fund-raise,100%

Pretty sure solar panels have been around for decades, and have always been increasing efficiency. Also, Tesla is a company funded by shareholders, you can buy stock on the stock market for them TSLA.

The money that Leonardo DiCaprio raises probably goes to some scientists to create closed source computer software data models thats backs up their confirmation bias and proves the world will end in 30 years, and to pay for some nice trips for politicians to travel the world in private jets to fight more climate change.

so far 2 min. into search, i have found leo giving 3 mil to wwf to save tigers ..In July 2016 his foundation awarded $15.6 million to help protect wildlife and the rights of Native Americans, along with combating climate change.[132]..raised 25 mil at one fund raiser in 2016
He has been an active supporter of numerous environmental organizations and has sat on the board of the World Wildlife Fund, Global Green USA, International Fund for Animal Welfare and the Natural Resources Defense Council.[125][133] He traveled to Indonesia in early 2016 where he criticized the government's palm oil industry's slash-and-burn forest clearing methods.
He drives environment-friendly vehicles, including an electricTesla Roadster,[136] a Fisker Karmaplug-in hybrid,[137] and a Toyota Prius.[138] His home is powered by solar panels.[126] At the 2007 Oscar ceremony, DiCaprio and former Vice President Al Gore appeared to announce that the Academy Awards had incorporated environmentally intelligent practices in its production

i'm sure people that worked on the documentary got paid and much of the money went to established causes like the wwf ,,,,
Not really. In fact, very few examples of immediate and widespread peaceful change in history. Society and technology have to be ready for the change but some people always resist it. Just like the climate change debate. Insisting that it be all one way or all another is basically just supporting the status quo. Change isn't fast because people resist it by doing dumb things like voting for Trump. Society has to cut fossil fuel emissions or face significant loss of life and quality of life. People recognize this. Change is happening and will accelerate over time. Even with a Trump as president, the rest of the world is moving towards low carbon emissions. Markets are driving the change, not politicians. All Chump can do is slow progress down and put the US at a disadvantage in the energy sector. Your fatalism and nihilism is yours and yours alone.

Not even Trump can easily reverse our progress on climate change

continuing declines in the costs of alternative energy sources are making them increasingly competitive. Since 2008, costs have fallen 41 percent for land-based wind power and 64 percent for utility-scale solar power. The cost of efficient LED light bulbs has fallen 94 percent since 2008. The cost of battery storage has declined 70 percent over that period, making electric vehicles more affordable. As of last August, there were 490,000 electric vehicles on the road.

Same goes with your weird wish that apocalypse is just around the corner. WTF? Your conviction is based on a pile of assumptions including that you have some sort of god like ability to see into the future. Trump triggering nuclear Armageddon is a remote possibility, that's all. Then again, if it happens, there is nothing to do but say goodbye. Its a shitty passive kind of viewpoint and not very useful. It's very likely not going to happen and can be prevented if Trump gets trigger happy.

Yuck. Yours is an awful way to live a life.

Billions of gas burning cars on the planet and you have some weird notion that everybody is simply going to stop driving them. You seem to think we, as a species, are headed towards some blissful utopia. Tell me how we rebuild our infrastructure when we can't even fix the water in Flint.
what was the 45 mil from? the name of it?

talking out of ones ass is a shitty business

so far 2 min. into search, i have found leo giving 3 mil to wwf to save tigers ..In July 2016 his foundation awarded $15.6 million to help protect wildlife and the rights of Native Americans, along with combating climate change.[132]..raised 25 mil at one fund raiser in 2016
He has been an active supporter of numerous environmental organizations and has sat on the board of the World Wildlife Fund, Global Green USA, International Fund for Animal Welfare and the Natural Resources Defense Council.[125][133] He traveled to Indonesia in early 2016 where he criticized the government's palm oil industry's slash-and-burn forest clearing methods.
He drives environment-friendly vehicles, including an electricTesla Roadster,[136] a Fisker Karmaplug-in hybrid,[137] and a Toyota Prius.[138] His home is powered by solar panels.[126] At the 2007 Oscar ceremony, DiCaprio and former Vice President Al Gore appeared to announce that the Academy Awards had incorporated environmentally intelligent practices in its production

i'm sure people that worked on the documentary got paid and much of the money went to established causes like the wwf ,,,,

Who caused all these things that people are spending millions to try to protect? Humans did. How do we save ourselves from ourselves?
How do we save ourselves from ourselves?
We don't. Mother nature takes care of us, most literally in the end. It'll hit someday, that comet/asteroid, or a super volcano or a plague but in the end the planet will shake us like a flea and move on like nothing ever happened.
Billions of gas burning cars on the planet and you have some weird notion that everybody is simply going to stop driving them. You seem to think we, as a species, are headed towards some blissful utopia. Tell me how we rebuild our infrastructure when we can't even fix the water in Flint.
One thing nobody can ever know is what another person is thinking. You don't have the imagination or is it intelligence to even get close to what I think. The water in Flint will get fixed. Not in the time frame anybody wants but it will get fixed. Same with climate change. The issue is how long it will take, not "if".

You have the imagination of a termite.
One thing nobody can ever know is what another person is thinking. You don't have the imagination or is it intelligence to even get close to what I think. The water in Flint will get fixed. Not in the time frame anybody wants but it will get fixed. Same with climate change. The issue is how long it will take, not "if".

You have the imagination of a termite.
That was very insulting. Termites have feelings too!
Who caused all these things that people are spending millions to try to protect? Humans did. How do we save ourselves from ourselves?
there are solutions to move forward but the media is almost no help. but yeah, humans, can't live with em ... are you for The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement ?
We don't. Mother nature takes care of us, most literally in the end. It'll hit someday, that comet/asteroid, or a super volcano or a plague but in the end the planet will shake us like a flea and move on like nothing ever happened.
There will come an end to earth being habitable about when the sun dies but through science we can survive here and or move to a new planet or move the planet. The whole planet could eventually die of natural subduction. There is a larger galaxy headed for ours and in such collisions the larger over takes the smaller. this is many millions even billions of years away but inevitable. the solution is in science and space travel.
Until then we might die of an unknown asteroid, volcanic ash or natural disasters or war or disease all of wich could leave some survivors then there is climate change and population vs resources. again the answer is in science, we are ready to begin transitioning fuel and economics slow and eventually reverse climate change. we cannot fight it without science. we can expand into space and fix the problems here,thats why we have thumbs and intellect.
That was very insulting. Termites have feelings too!

That was nothing. Imagine what it's like dealing with that massively pregnant queen.