Well-Known Member
Are you really sure its the highest ever?
he said "highest ever recorded" you goddamn skidmark.
Are you really sure its the highest ever?
It's true that records have only been kept for a bit more than a century here. The trend is nonetheless clear here in the front range of all places, the home of NCAR, National Center for Atmospheric Research.I like ya ttystikk, but highest recorded in last 150 yrs vs the nearly 4b years we dont have daily records for? Are you really sure its the highest ever? We know there was worse periods when life thrived. cmon guys.
my .02 cents on taking sides, is I dont have one. I'm on earths side. No matter what the case is, she will win. We can bicker till the sun goes out tho
It was such an amazingly take the dog for a walk twice completely out of season gorgeous kind of day such as I won't soon forget...he said "highest ever recorded" you goddamn skidmark.
So, based on your 10k year timeline, you can conclude for an undeniable fact, that there has never been a period of time in earths 4b year life temps swung like last 200 years? How much would you wager?
That wasn't an answer to Ty's question. Why you think Cretaceous atmospheric CO2 at that time has anything to do with today's global warming is something I'd like to hear. The earth was a lot warmer back then too, due to greenhouse effect of --- wait for it ---- high CO2 concentration in the atmosphere.Here is your answer: the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. Atmospheric co2 was roughly 2000-4000ppm, and it was wild time to be an animal. Good thing we werent around for that
That wasn't an answer to Ty's question. Why you think Cretaceous atmospheric CO2 at that time has anything to do with today's global warming is something I'd like to hear. The earth was a lot warmer back then too, due to greenhouse effect of --- wait for it ---- high CO2 concentration in the atmosphere.
And here in the present day we are emitting more CO2 and other greenhouse gases in greater quantities than ever before. .
The weather is all kinds of fucked up tho. Used to be a winter wonderland, it's been warm as shit for years now.
really. who the fuck cares what leo says.
Explain how it's a "waste of time"You guys understand how theories work, right? It only takes one instance to disprove it and its done. The whole co2 argument is a waste of time if you really look into it. Its a helluva money maker tho!
As if that matters to someone who would choose to deny the science of climate change. Your statement is actually pretty hilarious considering it's condescending towards a man who chose to become a professional actor (one of the best in the business if I say so myself) for that professions perceived lack of science or STEM fields at large since it doesn't necessarily require those disciplines to become a successful actor... Except the overwhelming majority of scientists and those actually working in STEM fields accept the scientific consensus on climate change..really. who the fuck cares what leo says.
WE are emitting more than ever. Anthropomorphic related CO2 increases leading to global warming.Complete conjecture. Ever before? bold statement.
Enlighten yourself and read a few pages in this thread. You are the one posting "harm the earth" straw man argument. The topic is human caused climate change.Lets back up. What is your point exactly? High levels of Co2 is bad for the earth?
AnthropogenicWE are emitting more than ever. Anthropomorphic related CO2 increases leading to global warming.
One big consequence of global warming is sea level rise. Billions of people around the world live within 3 vertical feet of sea level. These populations are at ever increasing risk of losing their homes and livelihoods as time goes on and sea levels inexorably rise. Some island nations in the Pacific are already bring to disappear.
AH SHITAnthropogenic