germany didn't have a socialist party in 1930 you blithering fucktard.
they had a communist party, and a socialist democrat party, and a democratic party, but no socialist party.
and their conservative party was the nationalist party. to the right of them were the nazis.
what does it feel like to be so thoroughly and relentlessly wrong at everything?
So the national socialists in Germany didn't like the international socialists. Then there were German democratic socialists.
National socialism won out, then the holocaust happened, socialism with a racist flair that even facist Mussolini succumbed to in the end. This was right wing according to you.
But other national socialists like stalin, che and Hugo were left wing.
In France where these terms came from, left wing was the party of movement and the right wing was the party of order.
Blitzkrieg and the holocaust were about movement.
Generally making shit up must be fun for you though.