If you could smoke with anyone...


Well-Known Member
Dimebag Darrell, he is possibly the coolest person of all time, excluding Jesus. I'd smoke with him too.


New Member
i'd smoke with lincoln and bring some present day gats and blow that punk ass john wilkes booth off that balcony. then become vice president and tell everyone about this miracle plant called marijuana........... then come back to he future and see what changed. maybe hitler just became a pothead and kept painting? Who knows............damn.. I'm stoned.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I would smoke with James Spader.Then I'd molest him.
I would smoke with Benicio Del Toro.Then I'd molest him.
I would smoke With Janis Joplin,Jimi Hendrix,and Jim Morrison...and Jim and I would sit there and watch Janis and Jimi molest each other as we smoked sweet, sweet indica out of a hundred year old hookah.....
I would smoke with some random person I just met, and he'd probably ruin my buzz and try to molest me.


New Member
I would smoke with James Spader.Then I'd molest him.
I would smoke with Benicio Del Toro.Then I'd molest him.
I would smoke With Janis Joplin,Jimi Hendrix,and Jim Morrison...and Jim and I would sit there and watch Janis and Jimi molest each other as we smoked sweet, sweet indica out of a hundred year old hookah.....
I would smoke with some random person I just met, and he'd probably ruin my buzz and try to molest me.
i hope you're a chick cuz i think i'm in love...


New Member
LeS Stroud from Survivorman would fuck him up..... I'd smoke with J.F.K. and the black guy from Bubba Ho-Tep who thinks he's J.F.K


Well-Known Member
I agree with buffalosoulja dude.. anybody that makes being buried with pot a necessity, and buried to withstand the times man.. that guy must have had some super dank stuff. You think they cured it for a while in jars n shit in the ground? Bear Grylls would be sweet. Bet he could find you some fields of pot!


Well-Known Member
I'd totally smoke up with my brother. Killed by a drunk driver who was harrassing a cocaine addict driving an SuV that plowed into my stoned brother while he was being robbed by a meth addict who had a pre-born baby with NOFAS and a black, assumed-crack addict boyfriend. This is why I will only ever do weed.


Active Member
honestly, there's tons of people i would love to smoke with
but im gonna say
ricky williams the NFL runningback
being an ex football player, i think itd be sick to get ripped and just talk about football...i do that all the time with buddies
plus, he's a celebrity, he probably has the dopest dope ive ever smoked! haha