If you could live anywhere in the U.S...


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't mind living in Alaska or Colorado because i love to go snowboarding. Since i'm an indoor grower anyway it all works out.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I have noticed that the colder climates have more obese people.. more clothes seems to be an excuse to get fat....

obecity is on the rise.... not trying to make anybody feel bad... just stating the facts



Well-Known Member
i would image it's because it's colder out and no one wants to walk in the cold. so they just drive everywhere.


Active Member
I would honestly say minnesota, you have the best of both worlds but only thing lacking is the ocean but it is the land of 10000 lakes so your never far away from freshwater, hot sunny awesome summers - great growing potential if you have the right strain, snowy and cold winters great for skiing snowmobiling, plus for the same price for a nice suburban house in cali's prominent cities, you could get a shit ton of land on a lake or basically buy all the land around a lake and then its your lake, AND STILL have enough money to build a enormous house on it as well.


Well-Known Member
If I could live anywhere in the U.S.??? If I had US$400,000, I would choose the Vancouver or Canada option in general. $75,000 will get you a nice 2/3 bedroom bungalow 20 minutes outside a very nice urban center. Invest the remaining $325,000 in a low risk portfolio earning 10 - 15% annually and relaaaaaaaaaaaax.


Well-Known Member
I would choose the Vancouver or Canada option in general. $75,000 will get you a nice 2/3 bedroom bungalow 20 minutes outside a very nice urban center.

Really? Is it really that cheep up there?

Micheal Kelso

Well-Known Member
- Portland is a fairly small town and I am afraid finding a GOOD job in my line of work may be too difficult ( specialized profession)Other than that it looks awesome.I think I have to live within 45 min of a major city with atleast 1 mil. people.

There are about 2 million of us liberal hippies in Portland and the greater surrounding metro area.

Lots of good jobs here, most people let you work from home :) (high tech is huge here, they call it silicon valley part 2)



Well-Known Member
If I could live anywhere in the U.S.??? If I had US$400,000, I would choose the Vancouver or Canada option in general. $75,000 will get you a nice 2/3 bedroom bungalow 20 minutes outside a very nice urban center. Invest the remaining $325,000 in a low risk portfolio earning 10 - 15% annually and relaaaaaaaaaaaax.

sorry to break it to you, but vancouver is in canada :roll::roll:


Well-Known Member
I would choose the Vancouver or Canada option in general. $75,000 will get you a nice 2/3 bedroom bungalow 20 minutes outside a very nice urban center.

Really? Is it really that cheep up there?
'Ya cat, pretty inexpensive to live overall in my opinion. Just gotta' be smart.


Active Member
Bermuda is de place to be!!!!
check out Youtube and do a search for truck driving in bermuda...
and for a serious laugh, do a search for UZI MON
he is a fuckin sick bermudian guy....
"Me shoot goose, me shoot goose and ting.... Para pa pa pa ping ping ping ping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"