If you could give only one piece of advice to a new grower


Well-Known Member
Keep it clean. Wipe up spilled water, vacuum regularly (don't forget screened intakes etc), sanitize everything between grows.
I even dip everything in bleach solution that I bring into the condo that I've bought at hydro/gardening stores.
Oh and drain off excess liquid from your saucers.
Cannabis doesn't like wet feet.
I'm 53 and have been growing for 6 months.


Well-Known Member
If you are going to use more than one room (Highly recommended) realize that on average you will need to dedicate 4 square floor-space for each flowering lady and one square foot for veggers. I know the numbers are crude at the plant-to-plant level, but they are close overall. My flowring room is 8 X 8 = 64 square feet. My veg room is half my laundry room and is 3 X 5 feet. Most growers start out thinking the vegging/flowering floor space to be equal. So learn the easy way and figure in more flowering space early and save later headaches.. Been there, done that.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
Don't come back here in 5 weeks and ask "How much longer?" or "How much do you think I'll harvest?" or "Should I flicker the lights on and off for the last two days while standing on one leg in a bucket of molasses?"

Definitely don't ask about pissing on your plants. That's just bad JUJU.

6 years non stop.


Well-Known Member
Learn to water a plant correctly. Probably one of the most common cause's of problems.
During the last week of flower foliar feed with 2 cups of Sasquatch semen. Preferably from a left handed one. You'll have the stickiest bud ever. Bring jack links, happy hunting