If you could describe your perfect marijuana high


Well-Known Member
ILGM White Widow gives me my perfect high every time. All the pain seems to fade out to a dull roar that can be easily ignored. I become calm. I can hear much better than usual, and everything seems to be more clear to me.

I don't feel sick, I don't feel tired. Just relaxed and at peace with no pain. Not even my arthritic hands bother me that much, and I find myself playing (guitars) more than I have in years.

After 9 years, it hasn't changed one bit. It's still the same for me as it was the first time I tried it. And when you've been through as much shit as I have, it's nice to finally find something consistent that works.
Sounds like a decent strain. Thanks


Well-Known Member
ILGM White Widow gives me my perfect high every time. All the pain seems to fade out to a dull roar that can be easily ignored. I become calm. I can hear much better than usual, and everything seems to be more clear to me.

I don't feel sick, I don't feel tired. Just relaxed and at peace with no pain. Not even my arthritic hands bother me that much, and I find myself playing (guitars) more than I have in years.

After 9 years, it hasn't changed one bit. It's still the same for me as it was the first time I tried it. And when you've been through as much shit as I have, it's nice to finally find something consistent that works.
Check out the breeder melvanetics I got some silver buckeye freebies from her and one of the plants is really neat with it's effect. I get a real bad tension head ache a few times a month and it releases all the tight muscles in my body it's not the strongest high in the head(i'd give it a 6.5/10 for the high but a 10/10 for pain) but it works just amazingly to untighten everything. another pheno out of those freebies is one of the strongest head highs I've had in a while.


Well-Known Member
I love this one, although I just had to replace it! I bought it in 2011 for 11.99. It just died a couple weeks ago and I bought this:

PS I have a Bluelab pH meter (don't cheap out on those)
Thank y'all. I've been looking up quite a few pH meters over the past few days and it came down to the Oakton pH2 or a bluelab tester. I think I'm going to go with the blue lab tester because mr. Neo has one and it's one of the two models my favorite local grocery store carries. I can get it off eBay for around 75 and it'll take a week to get here, or I could just go up to the grow shop today and buy it for hundred, still trying to decide, leaning towards ordering it. I think I'm gonna go ahead and get that TDS meter you recommended as well. I don't really know anything about those. I'll have to do my research on that and what it all means. I should've done all this shit along time ago. The drops were working just fine for the longest. I'm not sure if I'm getting even more colorblind or what, it's probably the meth. But I've recently noticed if I look at the water with drops under an HPS or an MH it's two different colors. When I look at it under the MH light it looks to be the perfect light green, but then if I go hold it under an HPS, or even the sun for that matter, it looks orange. Anyway thanks again hope I can get this all straightened out soon.
Oh I also have a ps.. so I noticed about a month ago that my plants or suffering horribly due to the pH issues and they were about five weeks into flowering. I almost threw them away, and I think just about everyone else probably would have thrown them away but I decided to keep them going and see what happens. This is my second run on these particular strains, and as of now with the bud seriously look at least twice as big as the first run, but very fluffy. Looks pretty decent though. I'm very anxious for them to be done and see how they turn out.