If you are using tap water for your plants..


Well-Known Member
All I can say is check out the book "The Fluoride Deception": By Christopher Bryson -- This book is hard-hitting and extensively referenced, I loaned a copy from my University's Science Library. It tells the shocking story of Fluoride's extreme toxicity, its necessary role in making nuclear weapons, and its utter failure in tooth decay prevention. Fluoride basically kills any living cells, making it possibly useful for eliminating bacteria on teeth which can cause cavities. BUT, this concept is only possible if was to be applied topically to the teeth, not by digestion into the human body where it is absorbed into your tissues for slow poisoning and destruction of your body.

I drink spring and mineral waters only. Lately, I've been getting poland spring in the Hard plastic (less PVC flavor) for about $1 a 3-liter, and its worth every penny. Some other spring waters are even better, but less available. Spring water is very rarely fluoridated, unlike "purified" water, which almost always contains added fluoride. Read the labels on your bottle of water. Good water is worth it! This is the age we live in; you must buy special non-medicated/toxified water.

One of the more disturbing things I've seen is "Infant water"... which is bottled water with fluoride -- K-Mart sells this as well as many other mass retailers I'm sure.

Get a copy of this book, study it and ask the legislators of your local municipality why they are spending hundreds of thousands of OUR tax dollars adding this toxic, damaging, life-snuffing substance into the water supply.
Drinking water out of plastic is said to be very bad for you too, by as many if not more people who so actively campaign against drinking tap water. There are many independent studies done that show plastic leeches dangerous chemicals into water. At the same time (as with the fluoride debate) there are other studies that say drinking water out of plastic is fine.

Basically, if you're a hypochondriac you're going to go nuts living in this world. Take Devknob for instance. He wants people who trust their dentists and who aren't worried about fluoride to be shot! The guy has driven himself insane worrying about shit like this.


Well-Known Member
Only SOME plastics, like the kind most baby bottles are made with.
I'm not arguing for or against plastic. But I know for a fact that there are many groups and people out there that argue that drinking out of *any* plastic is a bad idea. All plastics leech slightly by their very nature.

I for one don't care. I drink both tap water and plastic water, just to make sure I die nice and young. :hump:


Well-Known Member
Read the back of your toothpaste. Doesn't it warn you about digesting fluoride? Dont dentist say your supposed to use only a pea-size amount of fluoride? Didn't Hitler use fluoride on his victims? Then why the hell would you slurp down a glass full of that shit? Because the gov't said so??? Because the air your breathing is "killing you anyway" makes it O.K?


Well-Known Member
Guess what....we are all gonna die. Guess what....it is going to suck for each and every one of us. Guess what....stress and worry are LEADING causes in health & wellnes and in disease & illness.....when I write a life policy, we do a stress assessment and if someone is found over 80 salient points, we increase their rates. HMMMM. Becuase they have too much stress...and it may kill them sooner. HMMMM. SO....I guess my idea of kicking back and not worrying so much about every little thing in the world and reducing my stress through compassion, kindness, caring, marijuana, and hard work are all for not if I choose to drink tap water (I don't actually...and not because of flouride.....there are far worse things in MY water), eat fast food (I do and it tastes GOOD) and buy shit from Wal-Mart (I do...it is convenient at 2 am to be able to go buy an aquarium pump, an HPS bulb, 2 gallons of RO and some Cheetos)....so here is the truth, fellow theorists.....
so why be so stressed out and worried? Kick back and enjoy....life is a gift, cherish it. Who cares if I drink alittle crap...alcohol is poison too, and most drink it (actually, I do not due to personal issues, but I digress)
Not to say we should just live balls out and no cares....that is foolish...but there is a balance and an acceptance of our world we must obtain to find inner comfort.
I like what someone said about disregarding worrying about the governments ways and focus on changing our own ways in our day to day life. That is the change we ALL need and should ALL get behind.
Ron Paul, B-Rock O, Hillary, Herman Muenster, Dumass Dubya, and all the leaders in this world or any other can not tell me what is best to follow in my personal road to death.....aka my life.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday is History, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift. That's why we call it the "present". Chill out and do what you have to do to be happy with the time you have.


Well-Known Member
See my point? In other words those guys that posted are telling to lay down and don't resist the new world order coming into effect. Oh by the way say goodbye to the internet, this forum and other sites wont exists when the gov't starts giving ever one "free internet" (paid with our tax $) which will be run just like cable TV. In other words you'll only have a selection of websites to visit and you better believe your privacy will be almost non-exsisting. Just google "Internet 2" and you read about for yourself.

But oh no don't listen to the "nutty conspiracy theorists" that read books, do research, and literally slap you in the face with hard facts and evidence. Listen to the corporate media "faux nuts" who are constantly loosing their credibility from lying so damn much because they know they still have that lessening percent of Americans who are brain dead.


Well-Known Member
All I am saying is increase your personal happiness and wellness...don't waste your life with mindless stress and worry.....when you meet the end of your road, you will see that the things you did had a far greater affect on your life than the things the government did, and I guarantee that if we all choose to live our lives with peace compassion, kindness, and caring for others, and ourselves, in time the generations to come (the ones our resistance is really benefitting) will live by this model and these types of problems can come to be non existenet. Think globally...ACT LOCALLY.
Anyway...all my stoned ass is doing is agreeing with your right to resist but also saying that it is not worht it if it creates turmoil in your day to day living. No revolutionary or resitor (if you will) has ever lived to be a ripe old age, that I know of. Sure..I am certain someone will point out 100 people who lived to be 105 and were resitance minded from day one...but generally tghis kind of stress and worry is counterproductive to the health that eliminating flouride would provied.
I am not at all one to lay down and take it...I am very strong in passive resitance and boycott (I am a stoner who DOES march and rally regularly....althoug I have only smoked again for 10 moths) but I also think that too may people do more harm than good.
Bottom line....like dude with the cool Cashvatar said.....live in today.

P.S. And I would wager a dollar vs a doobie that the people supporting the theory are under 35 and those of us that are about passivity and enjoying life are over 35. The youth have the fire. I miss it sometimes, but I enjoy it others. Regardless, every one of us is a revolutionary since we (assumedly) grow wweed in violation of federal dictate. SO.....not a one of us lays down and takes it like the man says. I personally try to stay far removed from the mans words (good or bad) and live my life according to my own souls guidance...Zen and The Art Of Motorcycle Maintainance.
WOW I am long winded~!


Well-Known Member
Why would we not be a republic any more? Here is a link to the definition of a republic republic - Definitions from Dictionary.com The first definition is exactly what we have.

I agree totally with the issue on fluoride in the water. I saw some study in Time magazine that said something like 32% of children in the US have some sort of dental fluorosis. But yet the dentists all want fluoride in the water. Why do you think this is? Could it be because they want to make money off of these 32% of children in the US?

Fluoride weakens the bones, causes tooth issues when not used topically, and actally has been proven to lower the IQ of children drinking the water. There were days of arguing about this subject in another thread, and I don't feel like getting into it again. But fluoride is horrible to have in the water, and I'm glad that I have never lived anywhere that adds it to their water.

here you go kiddies.... from the same website you quote.... democracy - Definitions from Dictionary.com

please read the second definition.


New Member
im gonna go get a water filter how much they cost?
If you're on a budget at least get a cheap faucet filter. It doesnt get rid of all the fluoride.

Reverse osmosis can be expensive ive heard and will redice fluoride drastically.

My water distiller was bought online for 100 dollars, and I run it all day with lots of excess water hangin around.


Well-Known Member
Yes Calcium fluoride is commonly found in natural water sources. Sodium fluoride is what they put in the water. In some areas its hexafluoride(i think thats the right spelling). People get too much of both, which has been proven to be dangerous. Fluoride is in everything that contains water from a municipal water supply in 60% of the US.

Do you really think they put fluoride in the water to help your teeth? And does your study indicate that while fluoride is very good for teeth, it does not cause any negative effects to mental or physical health?

Does it not bother you that the water your tax dollars pay for contains fluoride? I gotta buy bottled water or distill to stop drinking toothpaste chemicals? Not very American, sounds more like socialism. If it is to prevent tooth decay, it is medicine. Socialized medicine, which I hear is gaining popularity.

Your middle paragraph is a conspiracy theory, so stop saying you're not promoting one. We know flouride is in some water, what some of us don't agree with is that it's anything other than to help our teeth. If it becomes outdated science you can guarantee municipalities will stop adding it. Does the fed require flouride in water? If not how can the feds even be associated?


Well-Known Member
Also if you wanted to look just like a concerned citizen and not look like a nut just say. Some recent reports state flouride may not be good for you and you should ask your local water utility to stop adding it. Don't throw in stuff like it's being kept in there so someone can make money or the government can make us sheep. If that was the case you'd see another tobacco type lawsuit.


Well-Known Member
Many dentists are for the fluoride in the water, yet they admit that 32% of all US children have some sort of fluorosis because of excessive fluoride. How can they promote this in the water knowing that it causes a problem for children? Its to make money. It is also proven that communities with fluoride in their water DO NOT have a lower incidence of severe tooth decay. This is all a scam to make money.

Also, it lowers IQ scores. They are trying to dumb us all down so they can turn us into "followers". Do a simple search for fluoride and intelligence and you will see the studies. If it lowers IQ, why would the govenment want it in there other than to make us "sheep".

I don't buy into most conspiracy theories, but this one here is not a theory. It is all true and its bull shit. We don't need the fluoride in the water, we don't need forced vaccinations, but yet according to our wonderful government, we do. And the reason they can get away with this, is because people have been dumbed down and turned docile from all the fluoride in the water. Its starting to remind me of Nazi Germany.


Well-Known Member
Your Gov't->kiss-ass<-You
.............................................\/ Anarchy

............................... ............................................................... ..^ You

Bong Rippin Bob... in your world is it like the Matrix? You and a few others are free, while the rest of us walk around, mind-controlled by the Washington Monument antenna?

Remember guys... just cause it's on the internet... doesn't mean it's true. Conspiracy theorists are so gullible they're like fish. They'll be sitting there, no care in the world. Then they see a youtube video, or a 3 page write up on a government conspiracy, and the next thing you know, that person is an activist... except their only point is to question/debate something, or to shy people away from something. I'd like to know what the reward for conspiracy theorists is. Is it when they persuade that one person? Or for the sheer recognition? Whatever the driving force is, is beyond me, because no real progress is ever achieved. If you truly believe in something so much you feel it has to be changed, then strive to make it happen, rather than just letting it be a bumper sticker on your car or a post on a forum.

Anyways, that's not directed toward the thread starter or anything. Luckily I don't live in town so I have well water, but even if I did, you can buy like 5 gallons of water for 1.25. Just spend the 100 bucks for the water cooling/dispensing unit if it's such a horror.


Well-Known Member
If you actually believe fluoride is bad for you please read or listen to this article. This guy puts it much better than I ever could.

edit: also for the whole plastic bottles leach toxins thing, read this. This guy is a genius at proving the conspiracy theorists wrong.


Well-Known Member
....\/ Anarchy

....^ You

Bong Rippin Bob... in your world is it like the Matrix? You and a few others are free, while the rest of us walk around, mind-controlled by the Washington Monument antenna?

Remember guys... just cause it's on the internet... doesn't mean it's true. Conspiracy theorists are so gullible they're like fish. They'll be sitting there, no care in the world. Then they see a youtube video, or a 3 page write up on a government conspiracy, and the next thing you know, that person is an activist... except their only point is to question/debate something, or to shy people away from something. I'd like to know what the reward for conspiracy theorists is. Is it when they persuade that one person? Or for the sheer recognition? Whatever the driving force is, is beyond me, because no real progress is ever achieved. If you truly believe in something so much you feel it has to be changed, then strive to make it happen, rather than just letting it be a bumper sticker on your car or a post on a forum.

Anyways, that's not directed toward the thread starter or anything. Luckily I don't live in town so I have well water, but even if I did, you can buy like 5 gallons of water for 1.25. Just spend the 100 bucks for the water cooling/dispensing unit if it's such a horror.
well said...I am off to ride my unicorn...lol...fuckin theorists.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
OH GOD!!! I just checked my plants and all their teeth are turning brown and all they want to do is watch Oprah and reality shows.
Sorry, just being a wise ass.