IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

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@Hybridway that there is a lot of doe for 2#....here in cali you would be getting between $1600-$2000 wholesale....who knows...maybe you are in cali...and you are running a dispensary....charging outrageous prices ......... do you factor in nutrients and veg time as well as water when you are factoring in cost per unit...from the start of the cycle to the end...as well as the mother/clone/veg room into your cost oh yeah and cooling/fan.....there is a lot more to factor in how much you are actually getting from that 1200w of light...not just the cost of light being run

what would you like to know about EFFICIENCY? how would EFFICIENCY cost you weight? EFFICIENCY would actually gain you weight.....the more EFFICIENT a light is.......the less power is consumed to create the same amount of Photons......Kinda like a 600w HPS in more EFFICIENT then a 1000w as the 600w puts out more photons relative to the wattage being consumed

so a 600w eye hurt puts out 88k initial lumens and a 1000w puts out 145k so 2 600's will put out 176k for only 200 more watts consumed....thats 31k more for those 200 extra watts

this is the same with LED's you can drive a shitload at a really low current consuming the same amount of wattage as a few ran at higher but the many spread out much more even then the few because which is more efficient....
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efficiency will matter more as time goes by and more states legalize pot,and other states ban hid lighting.just wait till they decide we have to pay some crazy high tax on hps lamps unless we are buying them for lighting streets(gov lights) wasnt it last year washington state had such a good outdoor season that pot was being sold for 2 to 3 bucks a gram?
i have no problem getting 4 bones a pound but i know these days are numbered here in mich,rec weed is/will be on the ballot this year.they are talking like everyone can grow 12 plants.it will be to my advantage to know how to grow under and build cheap,high eff led panels.
i think in the near future we are going to see the gov get more involved in how indoor growing uses power and what kind of stress its putting on our power grid here in the usa.i have already read some things about colorados power grid having issues,just look at all the 50 to 100 light warehouse grows popping up on instagram.

it does get annoying here sometimes when a few guys like to talk like they know it all and those few dont have any grows to back up all the shit they stir or should i say facts they puke up from some data sheet lol.
Just a quick question, are the fans on heatsinks meant to blow away from the heat sink or pull air down onto the heatsink? id guess its away(up) but just want to make sure.
Hello Dudes and Dudets,
I am on a DIY quest to put together several LED light using on each 3x CXA2530 and most probably a Mean Well ELG-100-C700B (if Jerry finds them...).
Should I go passive cooling, what size heatsink would be appropriate? What if I go active?
Thanks for sharing the knowledge.
yours truely,
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Will there be much voltage drop or any drastic difference if i have the driver well away from the LED fitting? I would prefer the LED fitting to be free of my driver if possible as the weight will change its dynamics.Just curious if the extra lenth of cable needed will change anything.
What do the led techies think of this?


Hey guys, I want to produce some bud for an extract asap, for one ill patient, aero, 5,9ft x 2ft flower area, same area for the moms( want to have 3-4 moms), I want to do sog, can somebody help me out, what would be best in terms of efficiency and g/w ? I want to have at least 330-400w setup, I thought about 10 cxbs 3590s or more cxbs 3070 or twice that amount of vero 29s but Im not sure if they can perform well in these means. I also thought about combination of cxbs and 5000k vero 29s for veg only. I would be very much thankful for the advice about what would be best possible option for me in terms of cobs and drivers.
Dont want to be sugar coated but, thank you guys have a great hopefully sunny day :D btw I would not mind other cobs like citizens or osram if they are good for veg or even for flowering if they meet goot g/w ratio , efficiency .
just stop please the old school A51 was better the Amare at one time but Amare can't touch a diy light
Glad to hear it again Reals. That's not the point here.
Stop knocking the original COB light & thank it for inspiring all these builds that keeps your blood pumping.
Glad to hear it again Reals. That's not the point here.
Stop knocking the original COB light & thank it for inspiring all these builds that keeps your blood pumping.
here we go again. Amare is ok but you can diy better and cheaper. I get 800w of led 56% EFFICIENT for what you pay for Amare 450. It's a no brainer and Amare won't tell me what driver they use because I've called them before and they also have Epistar panels really? Why would they even make those? Epistar sucks and everyone knows it. Also I had cobs before Amare and they use to use CXA2530's so you better think before you post on here.

And that's where you fucked up. You have no background as to what his reasoning may be for speaking negative, and if you do it's one side of the coin. I'm no a51 fan boi now but they do make better lights than Mars or, dare I say, amare. I won't, because I've not seen a side by side, but, I do know what they use in 51s.

Be careful who you listen to hybrid
here we go again. Amare is ok but you can diy better and cheaper. I get 800w of led 56% EFFICIENT for what you pay for Amare 450. It's a no brainer and Amare won't tell me what driver they use because I've called them before and they also have Epistar panels really? Why would they even make those? Epistar sucks and everyone knows it. Also I had cobs before Amare and they use to use CXA2530's so you better think before you post on here.
Who didn't use CXA 2530's. Oh yeah, no grow lights cuz They weren't built buy anyone else yet. They were best out at the time. Maybe you guys started with CXB's but that was way later then Amare came out.
Anyone who wants to devote there time to making anything can EVENTUALLY make something better then what's offered in a mass production. Not to be rude but duh!
And why do you keep bringing up Amare every time I speak about anything? Do you just jump to the Amare argument so you can say "I can build something better then the best light I can find?" That's great, & that means you are a talented guy. But, you're not producing & you're not making $ doing it. And if it don't make Dollars then it don't make Cents! Get me.
So, NO, you please stop it.
Any smart company would build diversely for people's budget especially when most of the LED guys I see here cry over spending an extra hundred or two that will Yeild them more every time! It's sooooo funny. Epi's made sense to fit some budgets. You see people compromise their grow all the time to save a few bucks. Look at DIY for example. Most will be seriously compromising their ROI for awhile till they get it down. Not all but enough to say it's s loss to the majority until they know how & have the time. DIY is only a few hundred less then prefab. But that's cool cuz DIY is a hobby & you can't put a price on a hobby you love.
Hey, quick question RealStyles? How do you run your super efficient set-up? Like outlets?
And have you given any thought to my valid question? I had to ask you instead of the other guy cuz it takes someone who actually grows pot to be able to answer? Thanks!
You guys are aware that a 315 CMH & a 400watt HPS Put out similiar par #'s right? Well which one do you think Yeilds substantially more then the other every time?
Ok, those answers should help you all reflect & be able to answer you're ever so important arguments. Thanks for listening & once again, I hope someone gains something from these unnecessary back & forths.
Have a good night folks!
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here we go again. Amare is ok but you can diy better and cheaper. I get 800w of led 56% EFFICIENT for what you pay for Amare 450. It's a no brainer and Amare won't tell me what driver they use because I've called them before and they also have Epistar panels really? Why would they even make those? Epistar sucks and everyone knows it. Also I had cobs before Amare and they use to use CXA2530's so you better think before you post on here.
Few led grow light companies are willing to tell what driver they use , unless they use meanwell drivers ,or they won't tell you . Epistar model maybe for growers who have limited budget . Epistar of course not better than cree . Epistar's price is cheaper than cree , of course quality is also so-so
Good fucking god, I'm bout to ditch this place. You think cxb was the beginning bub??? Track back 2-4 years into some of this shit and look around. Hyroot was one the first to bring amare into the light. This forum has been diying with the best components they've been able to grt their hands on since the day those components have been obtainable. Very thick if you can't see ppl may know what the fuck they're talking about and are not willing to listen.


Edit sorry I know that was uncalled for but God damn this shit ppl are spewing is so damn thick skulled and dense. Literally nothing we say or do will make it click for them. Someday they'll look back...
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