Figured I would ask this over here

only a few people are using LEDs on the other section I normally visit
Does anyone know anything on the "COB LED" style units? I have been looking into them for a little while and the price dropped like a boulder the other month (right after my other LED light purchase of course

Anyways it's a "300watt Light" (claims it's "4 x 75w") 'integrated LEDs'... I have an email out to the company to try and find out actual watts used on these "new(er)" models.
I want to be 'va'gue on the supplier as I haven't ordered from them yet, but they are (of course) based out of China and one of these "shipped" is ~$330 and has a really great looking spectrum all the way from 380 - 840nm according to the company, because they use COB integrated LED the spectrum is 'blended' perfect?
Thanks in advance for everyone's thoughts on the subject
**Pic(s) I found off a search engine, I am looking at a similar unit to this, I edited the light a little to get the suppliers name out

That is also the exact light spectrum the company claims the LED emits