I'm really sorry for the 'intrusion' .
I never 've bought any 'brand -made' led fixture ,in my life ...
Most of you ,already know that I'm only a DIYer,regarding leds...
Anyway ...What I wanted to say is ...
Already ,there are plenty of makers/brands ,that they use high-quality diodes .
And from what I personally see ,most, if not all ,of them work really fine ...
Psuagro,Greengenes,FranJan any many other respectable members of this forum have tested and use plenty of different light and fixtures ,made with high-quality diodes .
...are some of the already tested and proven to be working fine, led fixtures ...
(I also trust ,that Pet's BML ,is going to be a fine led fixture .. )
Just maybe ..
(Don't know ..Might be silly ..)
You guys,should check ,other 'features' / 'pros'n'cons' ,of the led fixtures ..
(if you do not already ...)
Stuff that are equally important with diode brand/spectrum/power/coverage ..
Like ...Driver's temperatures ,cooling ,diode spacing,upgradeability,service life,etc ...
You know..Things ,that usually are not given the importance they deserve ...
Again,I'm sorry for the intrusion..
I know ,I do not 'belong' in this thread ...
Simply, wanted to share a thought with you ...