Calm down. I challenged your veracity not because you "questioned the cartels", but because in each case you either matched or trumped the person you were responding to. I was tempted to post something about my 300' gold-plated yacht to see if you'd owned one too.
So here we go again. In Post #2424 you described an awesome light that would meet OutofLEDCloset's wildest dreams.
"I really hate to recommend a particular make but this one will trump anything in it's price range. A comparable exact brand-name goes for $799 and u can get it for bout little over $200. It will have a par of of 1716umoles@12", 885umoles@24", and 447umoles@36". respectfully. 2 of these would blow the doors off anything in it's class, period. If u use a white spec. it will pull as much as 270w each panels. Please PM me because I don't like to posts makes and get accused of pitching products as I get nothing out of this, period."
You "really hate" to recommend something but you do it. And you want OutofLEDCloset, who has a total of one post on RIU, to PM you because you get accused of doing exactly what it is that you're doing if you make recommendations out in the open.
That's bullshit.
This forum is supposed to be about open discussion, not poaching the innocents looking for advice.
OutofLEDCloset, if you're still here, you should post back with whatever monkey's pitching you.