if we where smart


Well-Known Member
we would work together and find ways to keep the gov from kicking ur door down pointing guns at ur kids
joe lets get something straight , i haven't hit anyone personaly that didnt swing 1st , i can understand ppl being mad , get over it , take the olive branch and work on common ground or dont , i dont mind acting 15
You got me gooder, you did!
I twas fix'n give it back,shooooot!

For real tho, how bigs your trailer? got that double wide I bet, huh playboy?
The cadillac of the park, I know you don't fuck around.
joe lets get something straight , i haven't hit anyone personaly that didnt swing 1st , i can understand ppl being mad , get over it , take the olive branch and work on common ground or dont , i dont mind acting 15

I'm smaat seeee I'm smaat.

I would never join any club/group/team that would have me.

When I say, kill them all!!!
I'm not speaking about kill them all, but you and me.
...your on my shit list, because I'm on yours. you are #176.
keep it up and you could be down to #175, then wha you gona do? :shock:
I'm smaat seeee I'm smaat.

I would never join any club/group/team that would have me.

When I say, kill them all!!!
I'm not speaking about kill them all, but you and me.
...your on my shit list, because I'm on yours. you are #176.
keep it up and you could be down to #175, then wha you gona do? :shock:
damn that got u going this is going to be like taking candy from a baby
i think this forum just might b hopeless , this isn't a political forum it's just a excuss to flame , bitch and moan , if ya'll so interested in doing something don't just talk the talk , get up and walk . organize decide on objectives go grassroots , find what u have in common , if ur not full of shit , find ppl here that r tired of waking in the night wondering if tonight is the night ur life is turned upside down . i'm not sure there is enough maturity here to do it , and that is a waste , prove ur bigger than name calling quit acting like washington and the media SCREAMING at each other , leave divisive issues to ppl that want to play 15 yr old bickering .
i think u can do it , but i'm doubting u will and what i've seen here so far will get boring to most ppl real quick