You can also trim all the fresh bud up into quarter sized nugs and put them into cardboard takes longer to dry initially, but it is drying and curing at the same time..the cardboard draws excess moisture away so you don't have to worry about mold in the still should put the box in a well ventilated spot, but there shouldn't be anything blowing on the nugs can also hang the whole plant, minus the roots to dry...again this takes longer, but you don't have to worry about shitelding them from light and drying too also begins the cure for you, so if you had to put them in tupperware or baggies, they won't mold, and should taste better the longer they a bag though everything will get more and more dried that isn't good....Anyway there are a couple of options to use instead of glass jars...but glass jars are still where that finished product should end up being put for long term storage...
So trim and place fresh product into a box, or don't trim the plant before hanging and wait til it is totally totally dry and feather light...either one will give you a cure without a jar, but you have to have somewhere to store it, and glass is pretty much it...tupperware and baggies are not airtight...they try to claim they are...but they aren't...the plastic interacts somehow and so air is able to get to whatever is inside of them...especially ziploc bags...some tupperware is alright..wait wait wait...I am thinking of the nice glass pyrex ones with the lids.