if u can grow good weed, Does that mean your a smart person?

if u can grow good weed, Does that mean your a smart person?

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I don't think that you need to be smart to grow but you do need to be dedicated, and be willing to research. I don't think it's a lazy mans hobby.
Just because you can make a plant live doesn't mean you're smart, and it doesn't mean your medicine is any good. I think that smart people are much more knowledgable about the advanced growing methods, can create high quality, high tech grow rooms, that sort of stuff.
Just because you can make a plant live doesn't mean you're smart, and it doesn't mean your medicine is any good. I think that smart people are much more knowledgable about the advanced growing methods, can create high quality, high tech grow rooms, that sort of stuff.
like people who grow in miracle grow,but probably never had really good weed to know the difference.
wow thats crazy only a quarter of people think it means you have smarts if you can do this process! i like sharks comment about how you do need to be dedicated and willing to research, that is true. Is YOU'RE smart ass smarter than a knowledgeable pot head? how come?
how good are we talking? like blow your mind good or just 20$ g good? if your growing mind blowing shit that distorts vision or make you ko, or hell just looks like the bud is gonna fuck you then yes your probably pretty smart. anybody can grow good weed but not anybody can grow the BEST WEED. shit and my weed isnt even on that level but we all have something we hope to achieve right?
Smart enough to know it's just a plant sacred in every respect as sustenance fir mind body and soul;)
But SMArT like from college ?? Fuck that all those smart guys talk themselves into chemicals and grams per watt...;(
Use the sun buy a hoop house ... EWC and molasses will provide 60% of all you need good soil does the rest...
Growing weed and harvesting buds that are considered 'good' are two different things. It's not hard to throw a seed in some dirt, water it, and pluck "something" off of it and smoke.

But to complete a grow, get fat, ripe, quality buds... that takes patience, research and dedication - and these are traits associated with intelligence for sure. Can all geniuses grow weed? Probably not right off the bat. Can a moron get buds? I'm sure some could, but on average I'd say that being intelligent gives you the necessary skills to accomplish a task, any task, not just growing weed. All things great come about through perseverance, trials, errors and tribulations, and good old fashioned nose-to-the-book study and research.. and growing bomb-ass dank buds is no different... just my two cents.
Growing weed and harvesting buds that are considered 'good' are two different things. It's not hard to throw a seed in some dirt, water it, and pluck "something" off of it and smoke.

But to complete a grow, get fat, ripe, quality buds... that takes patience, research and dedication - and these are traits associated with intelligence for sure. Can all geniuses grow weed? Probably not right off the bat. Can a moron get buds? I'm sure some could, but on average I'd say that being intelligent gives you the necessary skills to accomplish a task, any task, not just growing weed. All things great come about through perseverance, trials, errors and tribulations, and good old fashioned nose-to-the-book study and research.. and growing bomb-ass dank buds is no different... just my two cents.

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Growing pot is not rocket surgery but it can be demanding mentally and physically too. If you run into nutrient problems, bugs, temps and humidity, mold etc. it can get frustrating and hard.

With indoor there are a million things to go wrong and if you are dumb or do not have friends to help it can go south fast. I have grown tomatoes outdoors for several years with not one problem. My indoor grows have had bugs and other issues every grow. Curing was another battle.
Growing bud is the easiest most rewarding task that i have ever accomplished. I put it right up there next to masturbation and a monkey doesnt even have to be trained to beat his meat.