If this is nute burn..I give up (PICS)


Active Member
somebody please help me. I lost my first crop to bad nutrient burn and it was a stupid rookie mistake that I vowed never to make again. Now I have these new babies that are about 10 inches tall now and growing pretty fast. The leaves are becoming discolored and yellow/gold now starting at the tips and working towards the base till they shrivel up and die. They started to discolor about two weeks ago. I started them out with 0ppm the first four days. Then moved them up to 250ppm for another 10 days. Then bumped them up to 400ppm and then 600ppm. When they hit 600ppm the problem started. I was told I wasnt giving them enough nutrients this time so I bumped the ppm up to 1000. The problem started getting worse and making its way to the leaves on the top of the plant. I thought it was magnesium deficieny becuase of the discoloration between the veins (see pic) so I treated with epsom salts three days ago (foliar spray and in the res) and they are progressively getting worse. So I once again ask for your expert opinions on what this could be.


jay cas

Well-Known Member
it looks like u n hydro dont get along. dont give up, try soil next time... not as complicated and twice as forgiving


Well-Known Member
no you didn't.....you just have a bad attitude.....fix that shit, make it work, that's what we do...don't let it intimidate you..OWN THAT SHIT MAN:peace::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I would try some new nutes...something not as hot...I use this...works real good and isn't hot...im using double the recommend dose..Flora Nova 2 part system...very easy to use..1 bottle for veg and 1 for flower...then I add dr. hornby's big bud to the flower nute for a boost...


Well-Known Member
i got that same kill a watt meter. helped so i knew how many amps i could push on my breaker. not to mention determining the electricity bill id be paying. listen to cali he knows his shiz. and knows how to make a ni**a feel bad about his posts haha.


Well-Known Member
Not anywhere in that post did you mention pH. Are you checking it? If you don't get your pH in order, you will constantly be bouncing back and forth between burn and deficiency. What is it? If you have not been checking it, you need to do yourself a HUGE favor and go out and buy a pH meter. Get it down to a stable 5.8, and then you will be able to really tweak your nutes. If the pH is not right, your plants will not absorb certain nutrients! This will cause a lot of growers to panic about the deficiencies and overfeed. Then, your plant will burn from the other nutes!



Active Member
I do have a ph meter and its always a constant 5.8 on the money. I don't f around with my ph. All my growing conditions are good. Good ventilation, humidity, temp, lighting etc. This looks like everything they say a magnesium deficiency is. Yet people say its nute burn...always nute burn.


Well-Known Member
Sleepytown is absolutely right on!! My first grow was hydro (hated the humming pumps, btw, soli now) and I had all kinds of noob issues. Nothing went right until I learned to work with the ph then all came together just like a perfect recipe.

When growing in hydro ph will be your main focus because without balance they die.

Good luck and hope your girls come back with vigor;)