If they can make a cabbage produce scorpion venom, surely they can make a plant...

jj walker

one of the universitys is doing somthing with poppy plants,they got a a milkweed plant to produce more morphine/alkaloids than the poppy.its out there check it


Well-Known Member
(Waiting for the unwashed masses to come in and claim that GMO causes cancer)
OK, GMO causes cancer.

Actually, I have no reason to believe this is true, and every reason to believe it isn't, but you asked, so I complied.

On the topic at hand, I think the quick answer is that the in-vivo synthesis of cannabinoids (which are unique molecules) is MUCH more complex than scorpion venoms (which are just simple peptide chains). Basically you only need one gene for the venom, but a whole catalog of ones to regulate the synthesis of cannabinoids.

I wouldn't say its impossible to get other plants to make cannabinoids, its just not practical with current technology.

If the goal is simple stealth, it probably easier to selectively breed a cannabis plant to look like something else!
At a bar just chillin, must say very interesting thread! Continue guys:)
I have no input other than, I wish no one would mess with our genetics on our food. However it's the world we live in today and all we can do is one small deed at a time to chage it!


Well-Known Member
"you must be genetically predisposed to most carcinogens for them to activate...other than extreme radiation and chemical immersions which also alter the chromosome "

So wouldn't lab modified genetics fall into the chemical immersion category? The chemical makeup of DNA is being manipulated, and we really have no idea how these seemingly minute changes interact with our biology over the long term. I have no problem with genetic modification, through selective breeding, there millions of years of evolution buffering any weird mutant DNA, but because that isn't "economically feasible",we allow science to twist and tweak genetics to get instant gratification<profits>. If GMO's aren't dangerous why is there legislation to protect companies<IE Monsanto> from prosecution if a link is found proving they cause health problems? There is the same problem in the medical industry where many new drugs are "fast tracked" into the market,claiming the benefit outweighs any possibly negatives. Yet, how many products over the last hundred years were deemed safe,only to realize after 10,15 or 20yrs down the road that there are major medical problems being caused by said products?? Lead paints,asbestos insulation,chemicals in plastics. Better living through chemistry my ass....its always been about money and always will be....Until there is long term, unbiased, research and testing I'm staying away from it as much as I possible can...

Kite High

Well-Known Member
"you must be genetically predisposed to most carcinogens for them to activate...other than extreme radiation and chemical immersions which also alter the chromosome "

So wouldn't lab modified genetics fall into the chemical immersion category? The chemical makeup of DNA is being manipulated, and we really have no idea how these seemingly minute changes interact with our biology over the long term. I have no problem with genetic modification, through selective breeding, there millions of years of evolution buffering any weird mutant DNA, but because that isn't "economically feasible",we allow science to twist and tweak genetics to get instant gratification<profits>. If GMO's aren't dangerous why is there legislation to protect companies<IE Monsanto> from prosecution if a link is found proving they cause health problems? There is the same problem in the medical industry where many new drugs are "fast tracked" into the market,claiming the benefit outweighs any possibly negatives. Yet, how many products over the last hundred years were deemed safe,only to realize after 10,15 or 20yrs down the road that there are major medical problems being caused by said products?? Lead paints,asbestos insulation,chemicals in plastics. Better living through chemistry my ass....its always been about money and always will be....Until there is long term, unbiased, research and testing I'm staying away from it as much as I possible can...
just like every other technical advance one can never know til done...and then what is done with what is learned is a whole other thing

well you may think you are staying away from it but you are not...but if tyhat illusionary bu0bble of yours gives you comfort then I do not seek to burst it for you


Well-Known Member
If it weren't for illusionsary bubbles, I'm pretty sure I would have gone completely mad by this point...ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...=-/