If someone robs your crop, do they come back to check next year?

3 Pounds of Weeden

Active Member
firepower? please don't bring firearms into this. The movement has already been slowed with all these dispensaries being shut down, we don't need more gun/gang related news to cannabis.


firepower? please don't bring firearms into this. The movement has already been slowed with all these dispensaries being shut down, we don't need more gun/gang related news to cannabis.
hey firearm with a hunting license isnt wrong it shows people you arent growing just hunting what the problem with that the least they expect the better


Well-Known Member
i'm mulling an outside on my property grow myself, i'll applaud the stealth ideas
i have seen posts on training a plant or 2 down to near ground level
mixed in with garden plants that blend, done skilfully that could be near invisible
but smell of course could be a deal breaker


Well-Known Member
Man that really sucks. That spot is compromised and you are going to have to find a new one. I would make it a point to tell your friend that know you grow that because of getting robbed last year you are retiring. Do it often and loudly. Whoever did it is still probably going to check that patch out again this year, but if they know you are growing again they might look harder. I had my best patch that I have been using for 4 years now get found last year and had some plants stolen. Luckily, I had all the big plants out by then so my losses were minimal. The worst part is not being able to use that spot again. I did my first outdoor growing when I was a teenager and every single time I showed someone a plant it was gone the very next day.


or build a tree stand and watch over your babies always plant them ways away from the original spot i had hunting friends who would find a plot then next year it would be moved like half a mile away they still found it so further away the better thank god they werent stealing they had their own plants they used to leave a note saying found it instead