If Revolution Is Impossible, Why Do We Retain The Right To Bear Arms?


Well-Known Member
Title says it all. Revolution in America is impossible. It would be impossible to organize in complete secrecy an uprising against the United Statse government. Any such attempt would be fuitle and unsuccessful.

So, if the reason we have the right to bear arms is so that the government can never fully control us because it would fear uprising from it's peasants who are armed, then isn't the sensless murder of over 10,000 Americans every year by firearms unecessary?

On a side note, how do we get the governemnt to 'fear it's peasants rising up against it' again? Voting sure as hell doesn't do it...


Well-Known Member
This thread just shows how stupid your average person is
"we" do not have the right to bare arms, you do not have the right to bare arms.
And you can not have a revolution and to contemplate having one is ridiculous


Ursus marijanus
Constitutionally, bare arms are a vested right ... which means some shoulder's in the mix as well.
Or perhaps a half-vest with a long left sleeve with those leather linguine ... since the bareness of right arms shall not be enfringed. cn


Well-Known Member
Constitutionally, bare arms are a vested right ... which means some shoulder's in the mix as well.
Or perhaps a half-vest with a long left sleeve with those leather linguine ... since the bareness of right arms shall not be enfringed. cn
Are you willing to defend your right? Because no one else is. How do you think that will work out?
They are God given rights, and I don't see him intervening to defend those rights on a regular basis.


Well-Known Member
If Romney is elected, all Americans will be required to wear long sleeved shirts so as to not threaten government control


Ursus marijanus
Are you willing to defend your right? Because no one else is. How do you think that will work out?
They are God given rights, and I don't see him intervening to defend those rights on a regular basis.
Characteristic of vested interests is the cold shoulder. cn


New Member
Speaking of revolution, anyone see that new series Revolution? Watched the first episode and it's so crap...not enough action, too much drama and nobody is suppose to have power in yet, few people were talking ONLINE and carry around this flash drive. Nobody knows why everything (including cars and airplanes) shutdown, and they can't tell anyone about it? I was so looking forward and now I'm in full disappointment...I know off topic, just thought I share my thoughts while the subject was up.


Active Member
The show does need to shape up a bit, but I don't think it's because of the reasons that you stated. The things they are carrying around are much more than flash drives, they're little personal power conduits. Yes, some people are talking online, but that's because they are in-the-know, and I'm assuming they're trying to find a way to fix things. Why they waited this long, who knows, but I expect they'll address that. I think you may have typed something other than you meant to say, because of course if nobody knows why shit shut down then they couldn't tell anyone about it. But if you meant that a few people know what happened and they for some reason can't tell people then I somewhat agree. It is strange that they would wait fifteen years to do anything about this if they had the power to fix it.

My two theories that I just came up with are: 1) If they went around telling people that they could fix things, then they would become targets, and bad things would likely happen to them. This could be fixed if they were to find a way to spread this info to everyone at once. Again, how they would do that I don't know, and this theory would need more thought put into it. 2) The people who know what's going on were trying to upset the balance of power, causing the downfall of the world government so that they could either take power themselves, or create some kind of more equitable distribution of power among the people of the world. This could explain why they waited fifteen years to do anything.
But, like I said, I just made these theories up off the top of my head, and it is entirely possible that neither of them have anything to do with what the writers of the show are intending.


Active Member
Title says it all. Revolution in America is impossible. It would be impossible to organize in complete secrecy an uprising against the United Statse government. Any such attempt would be fuitle and unsuccessful.

So, if the reason we have the right to bear arms is so that the government can never fully control us because it would fear uprising from it's peasants who are armed, then isn't the sensless murder of over 10,000 Americans every year by firearms unecessary?

On a side note, how do we get the governemnt to 'fear it's peasants rising up against it' again? Voting sure as hell doesn't do it...
In regards to this argument.... I believe your premise is fallacious and incorrect. A revolution in the US is in no way impossible. Does that mean that it would be easy, or even necessary in the manner you are alluding to? No. A revolution doesn't need to be perpetrated through the use of firearms or violence. Just look to Iceland.
I haven't read either of these links in depth, but they do show something about what I'm talking about...I think. If not just google revolution in Iceland.


Is this post of yours just a guise for anti-gun rhetoric? If so, ask Sarah McKinely how she feels about not being able to bear arms and why we are "allowed" to.


Well-Known Member
Hunting, personal protection cuz cops cant do it, and target shooting are 3 I can come up with.