brak has made it quite obvious that he has no intention of even considering legalization. when he saw the overwhelming support for legalization on his site, his only response was to laugh it off as too many stoners having too much time on their hands. the liberal agenda is one of increased regulation of people's lives, interfering wherever possible and gaining control over the private sector, and individual liberty has little place in that scheme.if 1 million people vote to legalize it the petition will be sent to Obama's office to help him get it legalized.
his only response was to laugh it off ....
Yeah, I was thinking about micro brewery's and they seem to be doing well. Hopefully the tax won't be ridiculously high.I believe at least two "pending legalization bills, one in California and one in New Hampshire contain taxation language.
I'd be very surprised if the big government types wouldn't want to tax weed. Somehow I think I'd forget to pay it though.
it would be taxed for sure! I belive that is why its still illegal is because the government makes more money from it being outlawed as soon as they can figure out how to make more money from it being legal that is what they will doThe question I have is....Will it be taxed and stamped like cigarettes and alcohol? If so, will small growers that sell be targeted for tax evasion?
Every time we get something good, the government needs to get it's cash. So I just expect they would in this case too.
brak has made it quite obvious that he has no intention of even considering legalization. when he saw the overwhelming support for legalization on his site, his only response was to laugh it off as too many stoners having too much time on their hands. the liberal agenda is one of increased regulation of people's lives, interfering wherever possible and gaining control over the private sector, and individual liberty has little place in that scheme.[/QUOTE]
If only the majority of Americans realized those salient points we could get back on the Road to Liberty.
Soon, undertheice, soon ...
just as the majority of the german people stood by and watched hitler's plans came to fruition, just as the russian people cheered the end of the tsars, so too will the american people welcome their chains. there will be a thousand justifications to allow this totalitarianism, but the real reasons will be that it is easiest and gives us someone else to blame. we will flock to the ballot box to cast our worthless votes and wring our hands over each lost right, but there are just too few who are willing to stand against the tide. those with something to lose will flee, the poor will gloat over their new found though temporary wealth and the leaders will hoard their power. only a few will ponder this new path we travel and ask "what comes next?", already knowing the answer.If only the majority of Americans realized those salient points we could get back on the Road to Liberty.
Soon, undertheice, soon ...![]()
i don't know about you, but i ain't goin' nowhere. slinking off to warmer climes just ain't my cup o' tea. though i'm done with stomping around and shouting at the top of my lungs, i refuse to abandon such a grand experiment. i accept nothing from our would-be masters and and what little they manage to take from me more than pays for that bit of infrastructure i do use and for my portion of the national defense, these are the only things government is entitled to. i have always laughed in the face of these nanny state buffoons and, having so little to do with their society, i have always managed to go relatively unnoticed. i'm sure that it will all catch up with me eventually and they will find a way to punish me, but that's just a part of the game. if you are determined to demand your liberty, you must be willing to endure the consequences. if i should manage to die unscathed by the greedy paws of their sad excuse for justice, i'll consider myself more fortunate than most.So, when America, the freest land on the planet falls into the hands of a totalitarian dictatorship, where do we go?