IF I WERE 2 BUY A 400w BULB will that kill my power bill on a 12/12 after a 2 months


Well-Known Member
will a 400W bulb kill my power bill being on 12/12 cycle for like a month and 1 and a half months ??????

dont want police assuming somethings going on here cause my bill so high

!!thanks everyone!!


No......it will probably be around $30-$50 more than your usual bill.....

no biggy
$30-$50 where do you live man!!!! it added a total of $17.89 to my bill!!! and think about it bro even if your energy bill did make the cops suspicious would they waste their time busting a guy whos growing maybe 4-5 plants..

they only waste valuable resources and run inspections based off of energy use on people who they suspect of commercial growing.. a single 400watt hps running on 12/12 is not what i or anyone else here would consider commercial growing lol...

your good man dont worry!!


Active Member
best thing i heard of was to change the rest of your house bulbs to cfls, will take your bill down, even with the 400w


Well-Known Member
But it's diffent for everyone in different regions and cities or counties. Becuase each charges by the killowatts per hour used. Depending on whether the electric company charges 4 cents or 26 cents. You can find out the amt by looking on one of your bills or calling and asking the company itself. If you are running your set up for 30 days, on a 12/12 cycle and you are charged .26 cents per killowatt hour, then the total for that month would be $43.06. So for two months I would say somewhere between 80 and 100 dollars. I hope this helps ^_^ Good luck!!!


Well-Known Member
you dudes seriously wouldnt have one concern with a 30$ boost? What if it was a place where chopters buzz by on the regular ( like once a week)? With potential sonar reading motives.?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I called up the hydroponics store told them I was planning on investing into some lights and wondered what the damage would be for a 600 she said something like 20 a month might've been a 400 though for keeping it at 18/6


Well-Known Member
you dudes seriously wouldnt have one concern with a 30$ boost? What if it was a place where chopters buzz by on the regular ( like once a week)? With potential sonar reading motives.?
Sonar reading,where do you live 20,000 leagues under the sea !


Well-Known Member
LOL I think he means IR and bro I live right next to a helicopter strip its like right across the river and then maybe a 6 min walk heli's and sea planes fly over my house lots but the fuckin great thing is I live in a basement and I dont ever hear them (8


Well-Known Member
you dudes seriously wouldnt have one concern with a 30$ boost? What if it was a place where chopters buzz by on the regular ( like once a week)? With potential sonar reading motives.?

wow so you're telling me that you are afraid to have an increase of $30 bucks on your light bill?

wowowowowowow get a grip. release the paranoia....its not doing your body good.

no nuts, no glory....stop being chicken shit 30 dollar increase isnt shit


Well-Known Member
your electric bill can fluctuate as much as you want, the elect company doesnt tell the cops about that stuff, unless they ask, and if you think the cops are asking the electric company for your power use (ie they already suspect your growing and are investigating you) you prolly shouldnt be growing in the first place, as for the choppers, chances are they arnt gunna spend the money flying over neighborhoods looking for abnormal heat sources, cops rnt gunna use these investigative resources unless they already suspect something in the first place, so just keep everything on the DL and you should be fine


Well-Known Member
wow so you're telling me that you are afraid to have an increase of $30 bucks on your light bill?

wowowowowowow get a grip. release the paranoia....its not doing your body good.

no nuts, no glory....stop being chicken shit 30 dollar increase isnt shit
Your right i should just grab 4 1000 watters and stop fucking around and start a 100 plant op. thanks for the advice.

Yeah lol at sonar, hahahaha actually yeah i live in a buble a mile under the pacific ocean, pshh duhh, dumbass haha, Infa red ofcourse is what i meant. no wories?