If i grow in dam will i go to jail?

I grow dank

Active Member
OK so i want to grow around 200-300 plants in Amsterdam and sell the bud to coffee shops or weed dealers. If i get busted what are the penalties/charges i will get? Will i go to jail? Will i be fined etc?

If someone could answer these, that would be great. Cheers :leaf:


Active Member
Are you sure you want to stake your future on anecdotal evidence from strangers on the internet? Why don't you pay for a consultation from a lawyer if you're worried? There's got to be a hundred lawyers in Amsterdam that specialize in drug law and who would be very familiar with sentencing.

I grow dank

Active Member
I've done it before in England and made around £500,000 just want to know what the laws are in dam. I don't really care if i could go to jail because if i was caught in England i would of served about 7 years in prison, just curious what I'm up against tbh...Going to grow a few seasons using the 6 harvests a year method. I just want to make a few million, then I'm out for retirement :D

I grow dank

Active Member
I think I'll ask a lawyer just to be safe. Don't want to get my balls chopped off for growing over a certain amount of plants lmfao. I think in china you get beheaded for growing drugs :-o


Active Member
I think I'll ask a lawyer just to be safe. Don't want to get my balls chopped off for growing over a certain amount of plants lmfao. I think in china you get beheaded for growing drugs :-o
Your £500,000 should get you at least an hour.

I really hope the chinese don't start sending shipping containers of hash around the world - they'd put all the mom and pops out of business quick. Weed-mart, anyone?


Well-Known Member
Lol they have potsniffing drones in amsterdam to catch out non-licened grows.


Well-Known Member
I don't believe there are licensed grows in a-dam :) They basically decriminalized personal possession/cultivation, and they overlook the coffee shops, but growing commercially is still technically illegal and they do prosecute it to some degree (that story about potsniffing drones is real :D). Anyway, a-dam is a fairly saturated market, it's not a good place to go to start up a new weed business.