If I got busted !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its really not about commitment or stubbornness at the point. its just biology. and biology wins, every time.
I believe that you believe that you have a good idea. However I'm not so sure it is. Not trying to offend. You would be better off being a lobbyist or something...right?
Originally Posted by cdub5
Or.....hear me out now....you could just be careful with what you are doing and avoid all of that?

because if you are careful, you will never face any problems.

uuuuuh yup.
They'd prolly just put you in a mental hospital.
I hope not as i am not mental well mayb just a little but isint that normal like every1 is a little crazy in their own way :cool:

I believe that you believe that you have a good idea. However I'm not so sure it is. Not trying to offend. You would be better off being a lobbyist or something...right?
No offence taken from any negative feed back ladies . I do believe it is a good idea you are right there. I dont want to be a lobbyist because i wouldnt be good at that what i am good at is growing and thats what i plan to do :bigjoint:

should change title to When I ....
I dont think i should because i am not guaranteed to get caught. So sorry slowbus the title is going to stay the same .;-)

And to the other lads who say just be careful and dont get caught i am trying to b as careful as i can. No1 knows where i live and i plan to keep it that way. i dont grow huge amounts mayb 6 - 12 plants depending on the strain .

as for the cock meat sandwhiches i dont think there for eating but more for just sucking on bongsmilie
You dont have to go on a hunger strike youd only be hurting yourself. Secondly in court it would be best to get a jury trial, and simply state your views on marijuana in a respectful way to the jury, because I can guarantee there will b some weed smokers in the jury. You be aight
You are dangerously optimistic. If millions of people worldwide have been unjustly jailed for this plant, what makes you think your case is going to be so different? All of a sudden society is going to wake up when bubbles goes on a rant about being a good person? Come back to reality dude.
Question: What is the first state to decriminalize/legalize Cannabis in the home ?

Answer: Neither Colorado nor Washington.

Trick question? Decrim and legalization are so different.
Oregon passed a decrim statute in '73. Probably out of spite for Dicky.
California passed the first partial legalization in 1996.

But my answer of record is that not one state has made Cannabis properly legal. The Federal disapproval applies to all. cn
Trick question? Decrim and legalization are so different.
Oregon passed a decrim statute in '73. Probably out of spite for Dicky.
California passed the first partial legalization in 1996.

But my answer of record is that not one state has made Cannabis properly legal. The Federal disapproval applies to all. cn

I agree, it was a question formed out of a (rushed) terrible internet connection. (I get to go home soon & can properly access my beloved RIU). What I intended to insinuate was that Alaska has long held that cultivation/use of small amounts in ones home is protected by the state constitution as a right to privacy issue.

Oh *sigh*, if only for a real hook-up to the surreal world.
Soon guys. ;-)
I agree, it was a question formed out of a (rushed) terrible internet connection. (I get to go home soon & can properly access my beloved RIU). What I intended to insinuate was that Alaska has long held that cultivation/use of small amounts in ones home is protected by the state constitution as a right to privacy issue.

Oh, for a real hook-up to the surreal world.
Soon guys. ;-)

However Alaska also had the problem that Ravin v. State was overturned for a while. I wonder if "discontinuously decriminalized" counts ... cn

<edit> srh, whom are you attacking with that?
I remember hearing about Alaska decriminalizing as a kid, something about you couldn't have weed in a bag or something.
To my non-legalese mind it appears to be in legal limbo atm according to Wickapedia . . . No ?
"Alaskan voters approved a ballot initiative recriminalizing marijuana possession in 1990, but in Noy v. State, the Alaska Court of Appeals held that ballot iniatives are subject to the same constitutional limitations as legislative enactments, and thus the portion of the amended statutes criminalizing possession of less than four ounces of marijuana in the home was unconstitutional.[3] In June 2006, the Alaska Legislature amended the law to prohibit the possession of less than one ounce of marijuana and to make possession of more than one ounce of marijuana a class A misdemeanor.[4] As of November 2009, Alaskan courts have not considered the constitutionality of this statute. Mr Ravin died in April 2010.[5]"

However the NORML site still shows the following:
"Use or display of any amount or possession of less than 1 ounce of marijuana is a class B misdemeanor punishable by up to 90 days imprisonment and/or a fine up to $2,000. However, if the use, display, or possession was for personal use and occurred in the confines of the offender's private residence, there is no penalty and this act is protected under the Alaskan constitutional right to privacy."

<edit> srh, whom are you attacking with that?

I attack no one sir - Respect given is respect earned. ;-)