If i add bone meal now, will I have to fertilize later?

im growing 9 clones outdoors this year. i dug a big hole and i already put vermilcute in because it wasn't draining as good, and compost with manure.

tomorrow im adding all the rest of the soil, theres about 3 parts dark topsoil, 2 parts organic compost with manure, im gunna add some peat moss with wood ashes mixed in so balence the PH since peatmoss is kinda acidy.

i dont want to use fertilizers really because i dont wanna fuck it up and i only want organic solutions. im gunna mix in banana peals too if i can get any.

if i just added the suggested ammount of bone meal on the box, would that be enough fertilizer for a good grow?
so just the compost + manure and the bonemeal would be enough for the plants?
wud it be a good decision if i added a half-strength organic fertilizer sparingly along with it?

Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
Check out the organics section of the growing forum. You will find Sub-Cools Super soil recipe. This recipe rocks because it supports the plants with nutrients all the way through flower.

If you only have bone meal, your plants will need more nitrogen after about 3 weeks of growing. Id suggest some Mexican Bat Guano or Blood Meal. Mexican Bat guano is hard to come by in the stores, but its pretty cheap online.