If humans were born with a suicide button that gave you instant death with no pain...


Well-Known Member
nah, imo suicide is a bitch move, plus i dont believe my life is mine to take. but if they come up with an instant sleep button, sign me up!


Well-Known Member
Sorry about your loss NJska, I've lost many friends and loved ones due to self inflicted wounds and its tough to wrap your head around. Keep your chin pointed forward my man.


Well-Known Member
The point was to ask if anyone would have done at some point in their lives it if the act was as simple as pushing a button.

100% guaranteed painless death. Not a bullet in the head where you fail and end up a vegetable with a tube in your stomach.
yes. i understood the point.

come a little closer please.


Well-Known Member
See, this topic isn't far off from nature. Crazy gelatinous ooze perhaps? "biochemical warfare armed sir!" says my brain.


Well-Known Member
Life gets hard,but to just give up at a push of a button,no I wouldn't do it,but to overcome a certain situation is what makes us stronger as people,so instead of the first hint of frustration,or a feeling of giving up,you should face them head on,come up out of that a better person x10 and be able to live life better than you ever lived before,so a button? hell no.