If Grasscity,Rollitup and r/trees all had a fist fight with each other who would win?


Active Member
Just asking...
Good question. I'm thinking they would just like throw one weak punch at each other and fall over grabbing their chest out of breath. Then break out the happy sack roll one and get stoned and ramble on about whether you should defoliate in flower. Or not. @rollitup call a couple of them California working hookers and make peace all around. The next day the RIU would be all like I punched that mother fucker so hard dude submitted. And grass city be all like, man I hit that mofo so hard in his dick he fell on the ground and started crying. ICMag dudes just be all like banning peeps. They really are a bunch a bunch of feely pussies.

And then there was peace and love all throughout the MJ communities. And we all think tank about how to share the peace and love all over the world. We share our smoke and the whole world is happy happy. Putin and Obama hug. Kim Jong-un and Ali Khomenei join in and it turns into a big group hug with Obama and Putin. ISIS lays down their weapons and joins in. Everybody shares their food and medicines. And the smoke is free. And we have peace and love all over the world.
Lol can I have some dude I'll pay extra cause it sounds like that's some dank dank shit you smoking in over there.
Good question. I'm thinking they would just like throw one weak punch at each other and fall over grabbing their chest out of breath. Then break out the happy sack roll one and get stoned and ramble on about whether you should defoliate in flower. Or not. @rollitup call a couple of them California working hookers and make peace all around. The next day the RIU would be all like I punched that mother fucker so hard dude submitted. And grass city be all like, man I hit that mofo so hard in his dick he fell on the ground and started crying. ICMag dudes just be all like banning peeps. They really are a bunch a bunch of feely pussies.

And then there was peace and love all throughout the MJ communities. And we all think tank about how to share the peace and love all over the world. We share our smoke and the whole world is happy happy. Putin and Obama hug. Kim Jong-un and Ali Khomenei join in and it turns into a big group hug with Obama and Putin. ISIS lays down their weapons and joins in. Everybody shares their food and medicines. And the smoke is free. And we have peace and love all over the world.
Good question. I'm thinking they would just like throw one weak punch at each other and fall over grabbing their chest out of breath. Then break out the happy sack roll one and get stoned and ramble on about whether you should defoliate in flower. Or not. @rollitup call a couple of them California working hookers and make peace all around. The next day the RIU would be all like I punched that mother fucker so hard dude submitted. And grass city be all like, man I hit that mofo so hard in his dick he fell on the ground and started crying. ICMag dudes just be all like banning peeps. They really are a bunch a bunch of feely pussies.

And then there was peace and love all throughout the MJ communities. And we all think tank about how to share the peace and love all over the world. We share our smoke and the whole world is happy happy. Putin and Obama hug. Kim Jong-un and Ali Khomenei join in and it turns into a big group hug with Obama and Putin. ISIS lays down their weapons and joins in. Everybody shares their food and medicines. And the smoke is free. And we have peace and love all over the world.
You forgot to mention reddits r/trees
RIU is the big, bad, scary looking scarred and tattooed motherfucker you want on YOUR side in a barfight!

Grasscity doesn't stand a chance and ICMag never showed up to dance. R/trees is just for the wannabes... lol just talking shit now, I'd never even heard of it before this morning!
If we were on GrassCity right now, OP would get perma-banned for inciting violence, advertising for other forums and having the words "fist fight" in thread title.

...so that tells you what place they're taking in this brawl.

Sources - got banned from there for asking the admin questions.

Don't even think of discussing firearms there.
Well i think many members would be fighting with them selfs being there are hundreds of members that are on other sites as well ??? someone mentioned the op would get banned for posting something like this thread ??? well maybe its true or they delete it again most MJ sites are just that not a social media site posting non sense all the time ,, Which RIU allows

then we can get into talking about ICM or opengrow or many other sites ??? that has produced some amazing strains lets not forget GG4 made by my actual friends Joseywales and MArdog and from another site and a Cup winner ??
Now with all BS set aside has or is there any cup winning strains recently made on this site by anyone ???
i have to ask, but wtf is r/ trees? never heard of it..
i think riu beats is ass right there, can't win a fight if you've never been heard of before, of course, imvho..
Well i think many members would be fighting with them selfs being there are hundreds of members that are on other sites as well ??? someone mentioned the op would get banned for posting something like this thread ??? well maybe its true or they delete it again most MJ sites are just that not a social media site posting non sense all the time ,, Which RIU allows

then we can get into talking about ICM or opengrow or many other sites ??? that has produced some amazing strains lets not forget GG4 made by my actual friends Joseywales and MArdog and from another site and a Cup winner ??
Now with all BS set aside has or is there any cup winning strains recently made on this site by anyone ???


i have to ask, but wtf is r/ trees? never heard of it..
i think riu beats is ass right there, can't win a fight if you've never been heard of before, of course, imvho..
It's a sub on reddit and it probably has more active users than grasscity,rolitup and ic mag put together normally over 5,000 online on that sub a day on average with over 800,000 subscribers.