If everyone at the concert was armed this wouldnt of happened

The evidence of you being a pedophile apologist is in your posts.

I forgot you're illiterate. I'll spell this one out. my posts -to you -reflect hate for you. I likely would disagree with everything you stand for here, even the reason you continue to breathe in and out. I defend nobody here fool.
democrats fought for slavery, north and south.

are those "black communities" what you gathered when I said 24 Democrat controlled inner cities?

funny, when I think of inner city, I don't automatically picture a black community....maybe ask yourself why you do.

You're a bullshit artist. A disingenuous piece of shit that will never confront the opposing arguments.

Southern white conservatives aka southern Democrats fought for slavery, progressive liberals fought against.

Democrats run California, the 10th largest economy in the world. There goes another one of your bullshit arguments.

We were talking about race issues, but I'm sure when you said "inner city" black people didn't even cross your mind /sarcasm.

There are hundreds of red cities that are completely broke and mooch of off the feds without contributing a fucking thing. That's just like you and your piece of shit trailer.

You right wingers have an aversion to the truth. Will you even admit it was the south that held slaves and fought for slavery? Will you admit it was the south that was the home of Jim Crow and fought hard to maintain segregation? Southern Democrats, sure, but will you admit what the demographics of Southern Democrats were, and who that same Demographic has voted for since Reagan? Of course not! You won't engage any of the facts. That's because you are a dishonest person. The mental gymnastics you display are pathetic. I hope you suffer the worst fate imaginable, even though judging from your beliefs you are already there.
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I saw tampee admit to visiting the dark web, nothing more. have you evidence to the contrary?

You know damn well what tampee said.

He said he saw "links to child porn on the dark web" I have the screenshot saved I think and will post it soon.

If you know anything about the dark web, you have to enter specific destinations. Do the math.
So you missed the part about the child pornography links?


You nazis really do stuck together, pedophilia be damned. Guess pedophilia is accepted in nazi circles
On a darknet site with links to most everything on the darknet at the time.... Pedophiles are not allowed in my Nazi circle. :)
You know damn well what tampee said.

He said he saw "links to child porn on the dark web" I have the screenshot saved I think and will post it soon.

If you know anything about the dark web, you have to enter specific destinations. Do the math.
Hidden Wiki is the site I visited just after the original Silkroad went down. I didn't know anything about the darknet before the news of the Silkroad bust.

But please post your evidence that I seen two child porn links on hidden wiki obviously I ain't trying to hide shit. It all started with my legalize prostitution rant and I still think that will cut down on sex crimes.

I honestly don't understand how someone can see a child in a sexual way but I also don't understand how one can see fucking another man in the ass like a good time.

Sorry for being married to a woman and not needing to cheat like a sodomite.
You're a bullshit artist. A disingenuous piece of shit that will never confront the opposing arguments.

Southern white conservatives aka southern Democrats fought for slavery, progressive liberals fought against.

Democrats run California, the 10th largest economy in the world. There goes another one of your bullshit arguments.

We were talking about race issues, but I'm sure when you said "inner city" black people didn't even cross your mind /sarcasm. Dumbfuck piece of shit.

There are hundreds of red cities that are completely broke and mooch of off the feds without contributing a fucking thing. That's just like you and your piece of shit trailer.

You right wingers have an eversion to the truth. Will you even admit it was the south that held slaves and fought for slavery? Will you admit it was the south that was the home of Jim Crow and fought hard to maintain segregation? Southern Democrats, sure, but will you admit what the demographics of Southern Democrats were, and who that same Demographic has voted for since Reagan? Of course not! You won't engage any of the facts. That's because you are a dishonest person. The mental gymnastics you display are pathetic. I hope you suffer the worst fate imaginable, even though judging from your beliefs you are already there.

no this is simply false. northern democrats fought for slavery as well.
im not saying the southern democrat wasnt more adamant about the issue, I will concede that. a large part of their economy depended on slavery. no doubt.

you are trying to put a geographical line between liberals in one era, claiming that parties switched sides and using that to draw a nationwide contemporary party line.

liberals are liberals. we beleive in equality. when you start adding "this" or "that" to liberal you are simply talking about the size of government and what that role should be ie your "progressive liberal" or my "classical liberal".

since you want to make that all racial then I would point out Democrat history of racism......say, are you a Democrat? must me if you're so fucking pissed at what I'm saying right?
You know damn well what tampee said.

He said he saw "links to child porn on the dark web" I have the screenshot saved I think and will post it soon.

If you know anything about the dark web, you have to enter specific destinations. Do the math.

objectively I have to disagree as I think I have seen your trump card screenshot.......especially if you got it from bunk in pm s or whatever like you kids do.

so post up what you have, if you have a screen of him saying he knowingly was actually ON a child porn site then I will have to agree with you and will happily do so.
no this is simply false. northern democrats fought for slavery as well.
im not saying the southern democrat wasnt more adamant about the issue, I will concede that. a large part of their economy depended on slavery. no doubt.

you are trying to put a geographical line between liberals in one era, claiming that parties switched sides and using that to draw a nationwide contemporary party line.

liberals are liberals. we beleive in equality. when you start adding "this" or "that" to liberal you are simply talking about the size of government and what that role should be ie your "progressive liberal" or my "classical liberal".

since you want to make that all racial then I would point out Democrat history of racism......say, are you a Democrat? must me if you're so fucking pissed at what I'm saying right?
"must me if you're so fucking pissed at what I'm saying right?" LOL 5 pm in California and trailer boy is already drunk.

no this is simply false. northern democrats fought for slavery as well.
im not saying the southern democrat wasnt more adamant about the issue, I will concede that. a large part of their economy depended on slavery. no doubt.

you are trying to put a geographical line between liberals in one era, claiming that parties switched sides and using that to draw a nationwide contemporary party line.

liberals are liberals. we beleive in equality. when you start adding "this" or "that" to liberal you are simply talking about the size of government and what that role should be ie your "progressive liberal" or my "classical liberal".

since you want to make that all racial then I would point out Democrat history of racism......say, are you a Democrat? must me if you're so fucking pissed at what I'm saying right?
You are not a liberal, nazi. You even oppose civil rights.

And you're a pedo apologist