• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

If Einstein Were Aborted...


Active Member
You think that in 100 years our means of birth control will not have evolved further than abortion? You think that after a century's time no humans will have an ethical problem with ending potential life? Everyone will decide to agree on pro-choice and support it to the point of being mandatory all while laughing at the idea of pro-life? How many abortions are performed today for the sole reason of overpopulation?

What criteria do you observe that says we are currently over populated? Are you starving? Have you had to sacrifice essential resources for the sake of others? How would your life improve if there were a billion less people?

Great point. Even in china, they are enlightening themselves with education instead of abortion. Granted they have a set of laws that are dehumanizing and imo against civil rights, but they are already looking at education as the answer, which in my opinion is the right direction.

For the record there have been zero recorded "offical" abortions all in the name of "overpopulation". To be prophesying that abortion be mandatory in 100 years is rather shallow....I can't predict tomorrow let alone a hundred years from now :)


Well-Known Member
You think that in 100 years our means of birth control will not have evolved further than abortion? You think that after a century's time no humans will have an ethical problem with ending potential life? Everyone will decide to agree on pro-choice and support it to the point of being mandatory all while laughing at the idea of pro-life? How many abortions are performed today for the sole reason of overpopulation?

What criteria do you observe that says we are currently over populated? Are you starving? Have you had to sacrifice essential resources for the sake of others? How would your life improve if there were a billion less people? Are there any friends or family you would be willing to sacrifice in the name of overpopulation? How about yourself for starters?
After conception, any form of birth control is an abortion. Eventually, I'm pointing out that it won't be an ethical issue. Overpopulation IS happening, and it'd be much more effective and clean to stop the birth completely rather than killing people who have already shed their placenta. You can't seriously judge the overpopulation of Earth on how one person lives. I'm not going to apologize for having the wit to live comfortably, but I realize that many don't. Only 46% of Africa's mammoth population have potable water. Why don't you fly to Africa and ask a starving child if he feels like there's enough pieces of the pie for him?

How about yourself for starters?
You've obviously never lost a family member to suicide. Go fuck yourself.


Well-Known Member
With all due respect, there is nothing stupid in giving life over death. The day abortions are mandatory is the day we take ourselves away from the classification of Homo Sapiens or "wise men".

Education is the answer, always has been and always will be. I really believe the words "population control is for the short minded" rings loudest.
I completely agree with you, that education is the answer to almost all of our vices. However, education isn't really what we're getting. I sure hope we never reach a point where population control is mandatory, but I'm also a realist. What the education in Africa like? How about Mexico? The truth is, overpopulation isn't going to come from America or Britain. It's going to be your Somolias and your Niger's (the country) that create a clusterfuck of humans. I've studied in Africa, and believe me, overpopulation is a problem.


Well-Known Member
After conception, any form of birth control is an abortion. Eventually, I'm pointing out that it won't be an ethical issue. Overpopulation IS happening, and it'd be much more effective and clean to stop the birth completely rather than killing people who have already shed their placenta. You can't seriously judge the overpopulation of Earth on how one person lives. I'm not going to apologize for having the wit to live comfortably, but I realize that many don't. Only 46% of Africa's mammoth population have potable water. Why don't you fly to Africa and ask a starving child if he feels like there's enough pieces of the pie for him?

You've obviously never lost a family member to suicide. Go fuck yourself.
As I said, I doubt that abortion, which refers to a specific type of birth control, will ever be a non ethical issue, but that's just speculation. I also don't feel that if the pie has too few pieces, we should kill, prevent or abort those who might want some. I see the problem as not having the proper resoures, technology and education to support the population; all things that I feel could be addressed better than by simply reducing bodies, and all things I think will be far less of an issue a century from now. There may be valid reasons to control birth, but overpopulation has to be one of the least concerning. I also didn't suggest suicide, but was trying to point out the population includes friends, family, and yourself.


Active Member
Wow, Heinsberg. You're a smart dude. I understand a bit more now, thanks for the information.

I would hope that actually performing abortions won't even be an issue one day. I hope one day people will have enough sense to have a lot less unplanned pregnancies.


Active Member
I completely agree with you, that education is the answer to almost all of our vices. However, education isn't really what we're getting. I sure hope we never reach a point where population control is mandatory, but I'm also a realist. What the education in Africa like? How about Mexico? The truth is, overpopulation isn't going to come from America or Britain. It's going to be your Somolias and your Niger's (the country) that create a clusterfuck of humans. I've studied in Africa, and believe me, overpopulation is a problem.

Greetings :) Okay. I would like to point that "realist" is a given for anyone without a mental disability. We all see reality. And its not all the same picture for everyone.

When we contain our species to such spaces that have boundaries we get overpopulation. The problem is not that of overpopulation, but that we live in a world of imaginary-realistic borders that creates crowding and eventualy a epidemic of overpopulation-crowding. If we were to per say live free and all roam the world freely as free men should, then we would have no issues with overpopulation.
But mankind has put its species in a position were we like telling others where they can and can not go, or where they can or can not reside. This quote comes to mind "If we would join arms as a species, we would not have to divide our selves into nations"--MAHATMA GANDHI ( and into overpopulation perhaps?)

I am Scottish by way of birth place but I was educated in Oregon. I am passionate in physics, human history and some philosophy. I am a Graduate of Portland State University(with honors), with a degree in Physics and a minor in Education. That education cost me a sweet five figure's and a lot of frustration from the realization that I am just as much of the problem and I also have no immediate solution, other than education and just like the next human. We are all opinionated, but as for our species we are clever but clueless :)

**If my grammar and spelling is not 100% speak Swedish and it will be :)

*** The day we can righteously in our human hearts, convince our species there is a "valid reason" to prevent a fetus from birth is the day I remove myself from earth to give room for a new ...We not have enough air? Apart from a rape victim I can never see such, and pray that I never do.


Well-Known Member
Dude, If Albert didn't do it someone else would have, he just did it first. All this albert's getting aborted BS is BS lol.
True Slojo somebody would most likely have eventually invented the bomb. How ever it may not have been invented before the events i stated were transpired and would have been more than likely put into motion. And i apologize for my horrid spelling. :).


Well-Known Member
Think about who typically has abortions... Not so sure we are losing all that many Einsteins.

/e I take that back. Usually the responsible abort and the irresponsible just have the kid. Either way we have way to many people.
James Taranto has a theory he calls The Roe Effect.

Essentially, he theorizes that on the whole Liberal women are far more inclined to terminate a pregnancy than Conservative women.

The result is that since 1973, the U.S. as a whole has been growing more Conservative.


I normally don’t post about topics like this, but in this special case, I just have to. Logic demands it.

The question posed by the anti-Choice commercial goes, “If Einstein had been aborted…”

And my response, before they even finish their sentence:

If Einstein had been aborted, than e=MC2 would have never been formulated (at that point in history) which means that Leo Szilard very well may have never been able to create the Atomic Bomb, which means roughly 100,000 - 120,000 innocent Japanese civilians would still be alive.

These ass-hats need to A) visit a rape crisis center, B) watch Butterfly Effect and C) Learn some god-damn history.

As for Einstein being aborted… it would be as if he had never existed, which means that the world we’d live in today would be perfectly normal and par for the course and none of us would be any worse off. If we existed at all, since the Japanese would have done a hell of a lot more damage on their way out of the war. Those guys were prepared to go down to the last man. (Not commenting the act [of bombing Japan] itself, just stating a fact.)

Anti-Choice groups have similar sayings:
The father is crippled, the mother is deaf and blind, they already have 13 other children and live in horrible poverty, so would you advise them to abort their 14th pregnancy?
If you said “yes,” than you just murdered Mozart!

But it is all a matter of playing mind-games with you. It isn’t a logical argument, it is an emotional one, and a piss poor one at that.

I’d answer the above question with: I would advise her to do what she thought right, and support her in her choice. (You see, they phrase it to be a yes/no black/white question, but it isn’t. It never is.)

Don’t let them Jedi mind-trick you. In the end, it all boils down to stripping women of their sovereign right to have the final say over what happens to their own bodies. Today they talk about Einstein, tomorrow they are trying to pass laws aimed at strapping women to a table for 9 months.

My opinion on the subject:
A foetus does not begin to develop a brain until the 5th week. It has no function, other than as a collection of cells. Heck, there are more living cells in your average cancer tumour until that point. (Sounds harsh, but it's true.) It is a potential for human life, nothing more. About 40% of pregnancies self-terminate anyway and nobody knows why. Most women would never even know unless routine blood-screenings catch the lingering pregnancy hormones revealing that, yes, for a brief time, she was pregnant, but it failed and whatever was there was simply re-absorbed.

Maybe god is a part-time abortionist? (And that is how you piss them off. Facts. Lots of facts. Keep the facts coming, and they will hate you for it.)

So IMO, dictating that a collection of cells, that does not even have the beginning of a brain yet, have more rights than the living breathing women whose body allows it to exist in the first place, is pretty repugnant.

And let’s not forget that these are largely the same groups of people who don’t give a rat’s ass about helping kids who are already here! Can you imagine how your typical Tea Party member would respond to the suggestion of raising taxes to fund youth outreach programs and homeless shelters? Oh lord, that’s rich. But they will march in front of women’s heath clinics day and night.

I am convinced that it isn’t even about abortion for these people, it is more about, I dunno, intellectual masturbation. A big, old-fashioned circle jerk. They know it doesn’t ultimately do anything, but lord, it feels good to get together with a bunch of like-minded people and get off on how great and self-righteous you are. I swear they lace Bibles with crack.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you But the only thing you missed is The world got to many people on it as it is & most children who grow up without family's Got a hard road ahead of them plus Wards of the state are not taking care of any better then the state takes care of its interstates


Well-Known Member
I think the real thing to question is, how many 'Einsteins of their time' were killed during the crusades and other religious wars.

In their Encyclopedia of Wars,[2] authors Charles Phillips and Alan Axelrod attempt a comprehensive listing of wars in history. They document 1763 wars overall, of which 123 (7%) have been classified to involve a religious conflict.

Im betting we lost a lot more 'progress' (or, Einsteins, if you will) due to deaths in meaningless wars (granted of any kind, not just religion) than we ever will due to abortion.
Think about who typically has abortions... Not so sure we are losing all that many Einsteins.

/e I take that back. Usually the responsible abort and the irresponsible just have the kid. Either way we have way to many people.
f it doesnt matter what kind of person is having an abortion or a kid they could still produce a human thats not retarded or an asshole just bc the parents are.
so your parent are irresponsible and had you so you should have been scraped in utero, thats what your saying right bc thats what i got from your statment.


Active Member
f it doesnt matter what kind of person is having an abortion or a kid they could still produce a human thats not retarded or an asshole just bc the parents are.
so your parent are irresponsible and had you so you should have been scraped in utero, thats what your saying right bc thats what i got from your statment.
I think we should all realize how many potential drug dealers, rapists, and pedophiles have been spared from our world due to abortion. How can someone's quality of life be expected to be anything but minimal when their mother is a 16 yr old crack head and father is in prison? It can't, and if you believe in hereditary traits or genetics at all the logic is near impossible to argue.

We may have lost a few genius's, but i think it's worth it to how much trash we've thrown away before it could have ever been trash. Sorry if the statement hurts some feelings. I don't give a fuck.
it didnt hurt me i was making a point and there is this thing called adoption so if i 16 year old crack head has a kid and gives it up that baby can have a chance for a good life....i could try to argue but niether one of us are going to get anywhere bc i am knowladgeble on both sides of this argument..and to be honest i know alot of ppl who are outstanding members of society andhave had an abortion so its not just crackheads or dealers or pedophiles and to be honest if abbortion was not legal in most states there wouldent be a flood of bad people bc it would have showed a long time b4 abortion was being practiced