If clones begin to wilt they did not root correct?


Well-Known Member
Some of the clones I am taking are begining to WILT after about 7 days. Does that mean that they are not taking?


Well-Known Member
i found that if they are wilting it mean that my rockwool is too dry

i am going through cloning in a big way. i have all the things going right or wrong and several threads i have got some good help

describe your setup and i will help what i can.

mine are finally taking, i have removed the dome and they are staying and after 5-6 days of dicking aorund i have found them to be rooting slowly.

what is your setup?


Well-Known Member
yea one of my lil clones is lookin really sad too..Im using those rapid rooters, clonex gel, and I mist them twice a day with phd water and a drop of superthrive


Well-Known Member
Are you using h202?

How dry is the dirt.

,ime wilted cuz the rw was too dry.

you should only have to mist the dome.

misting clones is bad.


Well-Known Member
I hear they only drink through the leaves. no dirt, just the plugs..moist 24/7..4 of them are doing great...one is just sad...and its my brainwreck one too...here they are in all their glory... the other 3 are bubba kush. 2 brainwreck



Well-Known Member
also you prob need a horti cultural heat mat.

keep the root zone at 30c

keep the hum at 90-95. they only drin through leaves till they grow roots. dont mist leaves dir or they will not need to grow roots and wont

keep the air at 30 too.

people heat pads get too hot

dont get too wet or stem will rot off, i just lost a third clone, now too wet.


Well-Known Member
really??? all that shit is necessary? Ive cloned just with soil and clonex gel...no humidity, heat pad..nothing...will that jeopardize the integrity of the plant if all those variables arent in place?


Well-Known Member
i found that if they are wilting it mean that my rockwool is too dry

i am going through cloning in a big way. i have all the things going right or wrong and several threads i have got some good help

describe your setup and i will help what i can.

mine are finally taking, i have removed the dome and they are staying and after 5-6 days of dicking aorund i have found them to be rooting slowly.

what is your setup?
I have just a basic clone dome and I am using rockwool.

I have them under 2 flourecent lights. I leave the vents closed.

I have not watered them in a bout a week so right before I did this post I watered them.

I was not aware that you were only supposed to mist the dome and not the clones, I was misting the clones for the first few days now I have stopped.

I have a heat mat under the clones and I found that after a few days there is no more moisture building up on the dome, that must mean that the rockwool is dry correct?

I guess if they are wilting that must mean that they are dry.

When I cut them I just used some root jel and the water that I used was PH'd to 6 and had some superthrive in it.

Do you have to wipe of the moisture on the dome and then re-spray it or when it is dry to I just spray it?

Any other suggestions would be great.



Well-Known Member
can you clone into a rw then put the rockwool into soil once its rooted? would it work coz i swear i read that it can cause root rot or sumin


Well-Known Member
well i gave you the good advice i got, gl.

fuck rw cloneing! Lol, i give up, hehe off to dwc cones i cant waste these babaies

i really wanted to get this down, and i might have but after 6 days i lost three and no roots except 4 of them have the starts of some white bumps. I thought i had it, but still no progress except rot. So i went back to what I know, dwc cloning.

I pretty sure rw cloneing is possible lol

i had the right form but i made some mistakes, i evntually overwatered. They soggy. ow

so i drilled some holes in the lid of a rubbermaid. 1 inch holes. and i filled it with 3 gallons of water 3 teaspoons of h202 and 2 drops of superthrive. This wrked before in a coffee can and an airstone, i need it to work now. you see i have my girls in flower and i outa seeds. I'll prob cut some more for eermegency sake. It is the first week after all.

I got my NL seeds all planted you see and no way i wanna lose. I dont even know which ones are female, lol.

Lable your plants carefully, make a chart of which is whcih. I used a dry erase board.
the one thing i inda got right.

good luck i quit rw for now


Well-Known Member
also i have one of these http://www.diy.com/diy/jsp/bq/nav/nav.jsp?action=detail&fh_secondid=9415373&fh_view_size=6&fh_location=//catalog01/en_GB&fh_search=blue+led&fh_eds=ß&fh_refview=search&ts=1228847141411&isSearch=true

and i was wondaring if i could use this just for clones as i hear they dont need much light as you want them to use there energy making roots and not energy in leaves for photosynthesis(is that true)

the bulb is hella bright but i just want to make a little separate stealth cloning box just for rooting clones and i dont want to use cfl's as i dont wana start hooking up fans and stuff to get rid of heat.


Well-Known Member
well i gave you the good advice i got, gl.

fuck rw cloneing! Lol, i give up, hehe off to dwc cones i cant waste these babaies

i really wanted to get this down, and i might have but after 6 days i lost three and no roots except 4 of them have the starts of some white bumps. I thought i had it, but still no progress except rot. So i went back to what I know, dwc cloning.

I pretty sure rw cloneing is possible lol

i had the right form but i made some mistakes, i evntually overwatered. They soggy. ow

so i drilled some holes in the lid of a rubbermaid. 1 inch holes. and i filled it with 3 gallons of water 3 teaspoons of h202 and 2 drops of superthrive. This wrked before in a coffee can and an airstone, i need it to work now. you see i have my girls in flower and i outa seeds. I'll prob cut some more for eermegency sake. It is the first week after all.

I got my NL seeds all planted you see and no way i wanna lose. I dont even know which ones are female, lol.

Lable your plants carefully, make a chart of which is whcih. I used a dry erase board.
the one thing i inda got right.

good luck i quit rw for now
This all seems pretty hectic, I think I am considering buying an EZ cloner, cant grow anything without being able to clone....The EZ is exactly what is reads easy, I think the investment might be worth it...


Well-Known Member
ow sorry to disuade you man, i was in a better mood than u think,

beforeyou buy the ezcloner you should read stinkbuds how to get a ound every few weeks.

it is stickied at the top of the hydro page.

inside is the instruction on how to make a perfectly good eaxy cloner for 40 or so dollars. It works better every one says than the 300 dollar one and it is easy as hell. use pvc and easy to find misters.

thats what I am doing in a few days, i just needed an emergency fix for my weird problem.

Dint think hectic, think party.

i have not been completely honest, i may have sabotaged myself as secretly I wanted to go back to dwc cloning and also build an aero cloner. Way cooler and way cleaner without rockwool.

truly it is an easy diy and when you save 300 dollars in 30 min work and have that simple cool looking machine you will be so freaking happy.

every site is advocating forgoing the ex cloner for one of these simple aero cloners. they are cheap effective and nice to look at. very solid.

On payday that is what I am doing.

If you insit on rapid rooters or rockwool then you must read al bfucts sticky on top of the hydro page. how to take a batch of clones in rockwool, a photo essay, it includes lots of info on rapid rooters.

from what i remmeber on rapid rooters they are easier than rw. you just put in the rooter water a little under a dome. ist the dome and keep the temps at 30c. I have nver done that but i have read a lot and you should prob do that. there are others here who ost daily trhat can help you there. Use the search feature for rapid rooters and you will find tons

dont let me discurage you. for god sakes man this site will eat me alive. rofl/


Well-Known Member
i followed this instruction the first time I cloned and all 4 rooted..

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/o7vo7cQUjDU&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/o7vo7cQUjDU&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]


Well-Known Member
ok if you dont have a 26 watt cfl 6500k? seriously they like a dollar, i assume you already got this light?