Idiots on the forum in full force tonight!


Well-Known Member
i dont take it personal but i was clearly understandable and i was stating that the other kid was underage.. but if u hate on me im gonna hate bak... thats how this world works... jus like u did rite??? im not gonna take it dry nor am i gonna rat.. besides, if i sent a PM to a mod about ur behavior it probly would go unanswered.. oh wait, there would be an infraction to hand out so they would be on it like flies on shit... but what ever im too old and tired to care bout this anymore... infractions for every1!!! rite growech???

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
I'm beginning to suspect paranoia.
Your call, underage or not? [I'll suggest underage, with the first guess at 14 years.]

:leaf:ok heres my talking to cops while high storie and i want to here yours:leaf:
alright a few days ago i was walking around campus at my high school and officer tucker*our local school cop* pulls up asked me why my eye are red i smell like smoke and finaly checks if i was inschool after lunch*i wasnt* so hese gonig to take me in and heres wat i say to him *shits his pant* holy fuck its barny...
what i ment to say was plz dont take me in tucker ill never do it again...but no i yelled holy fuck its barny...:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:oh ya i dint get arested? WTF?
ok peter you jack ass remember i skipped out on half the day and was only going back to catch my bus home truancy is agaisnt the law dumbass....thats why i coulve gotten arested

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
i dont take it personal but i was clearly understandable and i was stating that the other kid was underage.. but if u hate on me im gonna hate bak... thats how this world works... jus like u did rite??? every sees this but the mods... but what ever im too old and tired to care bout this anymore... infractions for every1!!! rite growech???
Ha ha Just like an apology, or a smile, infractions are free, GrowTech would still eat if he gave everyone one thousand infractions each.


Well-Known Member
resinraider, what do you mean by "... infractions for every1!!! rite growech??? " ? their isnt a post on this thread thats infraction worthy..........
well, besides the two peter parker showed us that is. those are by a minor apparently(thats what i get from reading em) and calling peter a jackass and dumbass could be interpreted as a personal attack. growtech will get to the bottom of it im sure and find out if the kids under 18 like we suspect now that he's seen the posts. next time if their is an underage kid making posts like that hit the report post and let the mods know a minor is on the site. but if he says he's over 18 or something and is still in high school their really wouldnt be anything anyone could do so get em to admit their age first if possible. you'd be suprised how often that works. lol. i feel bad for the polite mature ones who really want to learn but its nice when the rude know it all ones gets banned


Well-Known Member
resinraider, what do you mean by "... infractions for every1!!! rite growech??? " ? their isnt a post on this thread thats infraction worthy..........
well, besides the two peter parker showed us that is. those are by a minor apparently(thats what i get from reading em) and calling peter a jackass and dumbass could be interpreted as a personal attack. growtech will get to the bottom of it im sure and find out if the kids under 18 like we suspect now that he's seen the posts. next time if their is an underage kid making posts like that hit the report post and let the mods know a minor is on the site. but if he says he's over 18 or something and is still in high school their really wouldnt be anything anyone could do so get em to admit their age first if possible. you'd be suprised how often that works. lol. i feel bad for the polite mature ones who really want to learn but its nice when the rude know it all ones gets banned
its all becuz of a thread from 5 hrs ago... i said "infractions for every1" cuz these mods r quick to hand them out for any BS situations but when u ask them for help they r not around... they dont even reply... inother words i got infracted for that other thread but went unanswered when i asked for help..

oh and if he was 18 and still in high school then he cant be charged for truency cuz its ur choice at 16 to stay or leave there for hes under age


Well-Known Member
around here his parents would still be responsible for all that if he lived with them. 18yr olds cannot call themselves in unless they live on their own and can be considered truant the same as anyone else, i got a damn citation when i was 18 for truancy, but maybe its just a state or county ordinance? i didnt get arrested and didnt have to go to court unless i was gonna fight it like with a traffic ticket. or i suppose it could be that i let them fuck me over on it and should of fought it.


Well-Known Member
around here his parents would still be responsible for all that if he lived with them. 18yr olds cannot call themselves in unless they live on their own and can be considered truant the same as anyone else, i got a damn citation when i was 18 for truancy, but maybe its just a state or county ordinance? i didnt get arrested and didnt have to go to court unless i was gonna fight it like with a traffic ticket. or i suppose it could be that i let them fuck me over on it and should of fought it.
u can drop outta school at 16 as well as be kicked out (well where i live anyways) there for u cant be charged
I only have 2 posts and I have already had 1 person pm me and ask if I want "cyber" and another one ask if I have a boyfriend. Do people even call it "cyber" anymore?
Seriously...lock your door so your mother doesn't barge in,light some candles, turn on some porn and Barry White, and rub one out.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
I only have 2 posts and I have already had 1 person pm me and ask if I want "cyber" and another one ask if I have a boyfriend. Do people even call it "cyber" anymore?
Seriously...lock your door so your mother doesn't barge in,light some candles, turn on some porn and Barry White, and rub one out.
Wow. Well... never had that one done to me. Mostly because horny 15 year old boys can't get any, and horny 15 year old girls [which there are less of] can get all the 15 year old boys they want, all the time, so the overflow of horny 15 year old boys get on the Internet, and jacking off today I guess requires including other people???


Well-Known Member
I only have 2 posts and I have already had 1 person pm me and ask if I want "cyber" and another one ask if I have a boyfriend. Do people even call it "cyber" anymore?
Seriously...lock your door so your mother doesn't barge in,light some candles, turn on some porn and Barry White, and rub one out.

You simply must out that loser so we can all make fun of him. :lol:

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
u can drop outta school at 16 as well as be kicked out (well where i live anyways) there for u cant be charged
Hate to admit [though this doesn't compare] but I was permanently banned fromt he grounds of all [public] schools & [public] school property in the district when I was 17.