Identifying male or female


Hey there,
I’ve been growing this plant indoors for roughly 5 weeks now and I’m struggling to decide if it’s fem or male, any help would be much appreciated! I’ve read a bunch online but I’m struggling to decisively say. Thanks in advance if you can help!E32EFAD3-650E-4F96-A815-676F5B39BA51.png65F52EDC-7B68-4288-A6C7-763B1228D8BE.png
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Hey there,
I’ve been growing this plant indoors for roughly 5 weeks now and I’m struggling to decide if it’s fem or male, any help would be much appreciated! I’ve read a bunch online but I’m struggling to decisively say. Thanks in advance if you can help!
Both look like males, unless you're trying to create a new strain always buy feminised seeds
Damn! I was unsure because at first they look like sac”s but appear to be opening up? In which case I thought perhaps female. I might just wait a few kore days and see how it develops from here
Hard to tell if those are male or female preflowers. Give them more time and it will be obvious.