Identify Random Seed


Hey guys :)

I threw a few seeds from a bag of random outdoor into my garden about 3 weeks ago. It was seriously high quality stuff, I was completely baked after 2 hits. Here's a pic of the only plant that managed to grow

I know bag seeds aren't the best but I just wanted to grow for fun. Does anyone here have any idea of the strain of this plant?

Doc Holliday

Active Member
Couldn't tell ya until it grows for a few more weeks and even then it's anyone's guess. I would recommend heading on over to: in order to browse a number of known strains by name. Best of luck to you finding that out, lol don't worries I'm in the same boat too, bought some seeds recently and got 20 randoms thrown in.


Active Member
no way to tell till its harvested the we would have to touch it then smell it even then u mite not know but probably not me and u could both grow white widow or any strain for that matter and ur WW would not come out the same as my WW


Well-Known Member
it looks like... CANNABIS! literally no way of telling right now. we need more clues - wait until some bud structure forms and she gets a lot bigger.