Identifing males ASAP


Well-Known Member
Hello all,
I need s bit of help and maybe a pic or 2. I can identify males but by the time I do it's usually too late. Can anyone tell me how early I can tell its a male usually? Maybe send me a pic of a male ball in it's real early stages. I have a microscope if I need one. THANKS AGAIN ALL!


google it. just like human pot"males' have similar traits to the human male balls..
and females have the two most of the time white pistons that emerge at first..


Well-Known Member
Hello all,
I need s bit of help and maybe a pic or 2. I can identify males but by the time I do it's usually too late. Can anyone tell me how early I can tell its a male usually? Maybe send me a pic of a male ball in it's real early stages. I have a microscope if I need one. THANKS AGAIN ALL!
Listen man the male plant will show Balls where the bud should start. The FEMALE plant will have one or more VISIBLY WHITE HAIRS where the bud will start. The MALE plant will not pollinate the FEMALE plants until the BALLS on the male plant bust open and spread pollen.