ideas whats the problem


Active Member
seems to be small buds
3 weeks into flower
grown in hydroponic deep water culture
2 air stones for oxigen
1 pump for water movement only
1 extractor
2 fans 1 brings in fresh air 1 cirulates air around roots of plants
used vitalink a-b veg as directed on bottles
used vitalink bloom a-b as directed on bottle
vitalink buddy 1ml per ltr of water 2 weeks into bloom
400w hps

any ideas for better biger buds can you see problem i dont see or do thay look good for the age

comments would be nice good or bad


Jolly G' the Giant

Active Member
I think you're being to quick to judge. Give them some more time... They'll fatten up. What's the strain? Looks sativa'ish... Otherwise looks good.


Well-Known Member
the strain is original blueberry and are ticky tacky to hell
What do you mean they are ticky tacky? "Ticky tacky" means cheap or cheaply made. Like the plastic snow cone you buy at Disney Land; that's "ticky tacky." Or most of the houses being built today are made out of "ticky tacky" and they all look just the same.

So, what do YOU mean by ticky tacky?


Active Member
for 1 Like the plastic snow cone you buy at Disney Land have and never will be sticky ???? you smoking 2 much
for 2 the thc is high if you now what thc is therefor making it very smelly like blueberry and sticky tacky like glue is
for 3 if you no what strain doggys nuts are you will no thay are the best and most expesive seed to buy so no thay are not cheap like you
have you ever heard the expesion for weed as skunk green smoke ticky tacky bud
maybe you need to get some treatment for being stupid as a hillbilly


Well-Known Member
tick·y-tack·y (tĭk'ē-tăk'ē)
Shoddy material, as for the construction of standardized housing.

Made of shoddy material; cheaply built.
Marked by a mediocre uniformity of appearance or style: ticky-tacky rows of look-alike houses.
Tawdry; tacky.

It has nothing to do with sticky. Maybe you should learn to read... and spell.


Active Member
and final when you dry your plant maybe you too gready to but after a week of drying if you ever have grown weed you know thay get sticky from the sugars and
clarafill still drying
maybe you should change suppler if hes giving you weed thats no sticky you getting
hemp my friend or some sort of animal feed i see this all the time in the uk another one is brewers hops maybe he's selling you some camel shit whatever you smoking
all weed is sticky thats how you no your gettin good stuff i could go into whats the make-up of a bud but you wont understand m8t
cannabis plants dont get you high its the thc that grows on there that dose

juesus he's a retard


Active Member
and no im not undercover police i live in the uk so whoever is posting it can say it to myface not in here thats slander in the uk you think id be stupid to be the old bill
hahahahah seen it all now


Well-Known Member
No im nowt to do with it kludge, im just sat at home bored following both these threads as they are amusing


Well-Known Member
Steveukuk, shouldn't you be back at school by now?

You wouldn't want Mummy and Daddy getting in trouble over your truancy do you?

As I'm guessing you're in about year Six (by the way you write) 'Truancy' is when you skive off school, you naughty boy you.