Ideas for secret stashes


Active Member
I've been thinking deeply about the best ways to hide some of my stuff, and I was wondering what others have thought about.......

One's I know:

Soda Can Stashes- popular on line pretty cheap and seems pretty effective, but limited space and still, and something makes me nervous using them

Pieces of technology- Take and old phone or Ipod and hollow it out glue some weights like coins inside and that is a slight amount of hidden room, larger scale, old speaker, or radio hollow it out and stash inside

false bottoms, backs, etc..- can be cheap and effective, but not completely fool proof, an example I took a long piece of wood probably 2 inches by 1 inch, cut 4 small sections took out my drawer, glued one in each corner, and then cut a piece of cardboard size of draw, test it out, now, take that and add any needed corrections to make a perfect one glue them together so you have a more sturdy bottom, then I put a small hole in a part that has air not wood underneath, so I can take a small wire and pull the false bottom up, make sure to use like wood glue to secure the corner pieces

a safe- these are always best, but I like to first save some cash and come up with inventive ways that are still safe and also easy to access, which can be key, so anyone else got any ideas?

Brick Squad

Active Member
Helll nahhh man i dont like putting my places out there but you in the whip just tug on the controls for A/C and what not you can hide shit in there
or if your at the house you can holllow out damn near anything if you really want to coffee table legs lamps hell false backs on drawers in the kitchen
but the 5.0 know bout that so i wouldnt recomend doing that if thats your incentive for hiding the weight
but anything if you are creative enough just burn one and use your head you will be suprised