Ideas for Home made Greenhouse????


Well-Known Member
Hey i want to make a green house this week. Real basic is what im aiming for, only 6 by 6 by 6 foot frame. Might make it from good wood. or might try to make it out of branches in the woods. ( kinda hard to carry a bunch of wood in to the woods) I want to screen it with clear garbage bags cut open so there at there maxium length. Door way would Just a be a g bag that wraps up to the roof.

What im looking for here is input on this idea
Has anyone made there own greenhouse in the woods?
Anyone thought of using clear garbage bags?

I want to start all my plant early this year, so the can fully mature later.
Keep them in a greenhouse for all april and a bit of may.

I'm from ontario, Its been a weird winter and spring. early grow by the looks of it....

Thanks Chives


Active Member
wont they start budding on you if you put them out in April?

i live in "the forest" and i don't think a garbage bag greenhouse will last a long time....
(like overnight)

i think you would like a "hoop house" (pvc and plastic)

or a "carport greenhouse" if you want something bigger....


Well-Known Member
Screw garbage bags. Your local hardware store should carry clear plastic sheeting in 10x20, 10x50, 10x100, 20x50, 20x100, and 20x150' rolls.. It comes in different thicknesses and is cheaper than garbage bags by the foot.


Well-Known Member
ya my dad has a huge roll of that stuff, he puts it between isulation and drywall, as a moisture barrier. I can't ask him where he got it. I dont want him asking why i need it


Well-Known Member
I can't find cross connectors anywhere locally. Pipe, T's, L's, connectors, 45's, yes, no cross connectors. This place has them cheap. They also have clamps for the plastic film. I suppose I could screw the pipes together but that likely wouldn't last long.
only fittings you need are a few cross connectors and a few T connectors for the pvc, the stores usually stock these parts pretty cheap.