Ideas for blocking windows?


Im going to put 2 grow tents in a bedroom with 2 windows. I want to cover those windows to block out all light as well as heat from sunlight. At the same time, I don’t want it to look bad or shady from the outside. Any tips? Thanks
Build a frame around the whole window of 2x4's locate the the studs and hang it from hooks/nails/screws or something. Can use weather stripping on the side that contacts the wall for light seal or insulation. Use pond liner/plywood or something stapled/screwed/nailed on the back of it.

It won't destroy the wall and a lot of windows are standard sizes.
Thanks for all the tips, very much appreciated. I rent so options are a bit limited, but a couple of these options should work out well. Thanks
Consider rigid insulation, won't look too sketchy as people often use it in the summer time to block out light/heat to make your air conditioner run more efficiently. Home Depot/Lowes should have it, shouldn't cost you more than $10 and if anyone asks just tell them it's to make things cooler in your house. No one will even bat an eye.
Cheapest most efficient would be just get a roll of mylar cut it to size your window keeps heat out and no light leak and way easier to put up just use some silver or ducting tape just put like a blanket or blinds so it looks normal from the outside
place one grow tent in front of each window.
windows should have blinds similar to the other bedrooms and curtains.
like mentioned above shouldn't need to bother much if you have a tent.
one thing is to put a red light in the room (not tents of course) and leave it on, why cause pets, mostly reptiles need heat lamps which are red (most of the time) and need to be on 24/7, this of course if you are allowed pets. this will "camouflage" any light leaks or what not.
place one grow tent in front of each window.
windows should have blinds similar to the other bedrooms and curtains.
like mentioned above shouldn't need to bother much if you have a tent.
one thing is to put a red light in the room (not tents of course) and leave it on, why cause pets, mostly reptiles need heat lamps which are red (most of the time) and need to be on 24/7, this of course if you are allowed pets. this will "camouflage" any light leaks or what not.
red light to camouflage light leaks?
It's been mentioned before but.
Hang up curtains or slap some blinds on windows.
Behind that on the inside cover with panda film.
From the outside it looks like just an ordinary window.
From the inside you can't see the outside. No light leaks.
If you want to block heat and light although your in a tent its not needed..
But kingspan is best 50 to 100mm kingspan build a fram round the window and slot the kingspan inside...this is normally done if your using the full room instead of a tent though....preferred method :)
I bought a roll of black Mylar and will place that over the windows that have original blinds which will be visible from the outside. I should look pretty normal. I was going to have the grow lights on during the day, but I’m thinking I’ll have them on at night to lower the electric bill. Do you think the red light would still be beneficial or just keep it completely dark inside the room? I’ll have to enter the tent at night to keep the plants pruned up, but was going to use a green headlamp to enter the dark room and get inside my tent. If I need to do any spraying (neem, Dr Bronners diluted, etc), I’d do it in the dark using that green headlamp. Thanks again for all the replies
I just use panda film taped around the window from inside but I run my lights on during day and have fresh air coming threw the window while I can still cool the room for free. I just fold the panda paper up and let the air come in the window. I couldn't have my window and tent open during the night time so I just do it during the day time when you can't see the light shining out the window.
One reason i went so drastic on mine is because every time the room pressure changed the plastic flexed and I got tired of fixing it between grows or when it failed and pinhole light found its way in