Ideal time to set up a trellis/SCROG?


Active Member
Should it be when you flip or can you start before if the room can be switched to flower so the plant doesn’t have to get moved? Or can you do a few layers of trellis as you go? Could you start it on a plant the first few weeks in flower? Are some strains better candidates for it? Thanks for sharing any know-how on it

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
No it's not to late, I've netted them on the 2 and 3rd week of flowering you have time.
If you net it earlier you can fill the full canopy.
I'd pull the plant down to almost level so the lower growth gets well light.

Ime any strain is doable once you find its traits, to get the best from any strain you need to grow it a couple of times to learn its traits.

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
I’m particularly interested in if I can do it to this GDP plant which is 10 days into flower now or if that’s too late or not a good technique for this shape/size
It's looking good, I had a similar structured plant I flattened it when it went into flower.
3 weeks into flower, it's now filling the back right quarter.
The back was netted the 1st week 12/12 the front half 5/6 days ago.
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