Ideal temps or Keeping the lights as close as possible?


Active Member
I was just wondering if anyone here had some experience with this. Do you think it's better to keep temps in the 70's while sacrificing some of the distance the light can be to the plants. Or is it best to keep the lights nice and close while getting up to 82 Degrees.

I'm talking about a 400 in cooltube being from 1 foot from the canopy and hitting mid 70's in temps or being 6 inches from the canopy and hitting just under 82 degrees, but this could potentially go up a degree or two.

which is the better scenario for yield and growth while in flowering with humidity between 40% and 60%?


Well-Known Member
80f - 90f is fine i would rather it be closer to 80f but between those ranges no damage will be done (with proper humidity).

random ...........though the higher the temp the more co2 will be used ======> better plants if you have a vile of co2


Active Member
Ryan is right on.... Most MJ plants like warm humid weather... so having that plant at 80-90F will not hurt that plant one bit, keep them properly watered and all will be good.
I have read journals of people running in 100F+ temps using CO2.


Well-Known Member
an RH of 60% or less, is not what i would call humid. a pure Sativa liking hot and humid.....sure, but Indica? Afghanistan, Turkey, Pakistan, etc........are dry. and temps in the 90's is too hot.

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
It depends on the strain, some are much more heat tolerant than others. It also depends on where you are measuring the temp. Moving the thermometer a few inches can make a big difference. I prefer a high of 79, and I measure it at the top of the foliage with a thermometer suspended on a chain under the light. I can live with 82 because I grow Northern Lights which is heat resistant.


Active Member
i'm going to make an effort to clean up my diy carbon filter and add some aluminium tape to get everything a little bit more air tight. currently this is mainly due to the fact that i'm running a 175 cfm fan, which is just not pulling the heat fast enough through the cooltube. This was setup originally for a 250w hps, though before spring hits I will upgrade this to a 400 CFM fan.


Active Member
i had an idea, though I wanted to know which was best until i get things lined up for the upgrade. thanks!