Ideal temp for drying?


Active Member
Im going to by drying in my boiler room, its about 75 degrees in there. Just wondering what the ideal range in temperature is? Will this work?
Also, what kind of humidity is best?

the widowman

Well-Known Member
somewhere with a temp of 18 celcius thats dark. a garage is good or a loft space i give my plants at least 18 days as well till the branches snap when you bend them. then cure in glass jars for a month at least.


Active Member
Hey thanks, but dont be throwing that "C" word around...celcius, come on what the hell is that?


Active Member
HAHA, that it is. Yeah, but can anyone tell me if my dry room will work...Like i said 75 degrees, and i think the humidity is 60% if that makes sense. Oh, and wahts the deal with fans? I have read different contradicting i want a fan goin, do i want a fan but not directly on the plants or do i just not want a fan?


Well-Known Member
I'm asking simular questions so will post here rather than start a new thread.

Now i've read the idea temp for drying is between

Min = 20 C Min = 22 C Max

With Humidity readings of 45-55% are being ideal.

and a fan to cycle the air but not directly onto the buds.

Now myself i am using a cub-board i have a temp gauge in there and a highgrometer to measure humidity.

I have a temp of 23 C

I have humidity runinng in there at 38%

So given my apparently settings my humidity is a bit low how would i go about increasing this ?

Any help appreciated,



Well-Known Member
Thank you will put a small bowl of water in the cub-board to test.

I will be harvesting and drying my crop in about 8 days so i am setting this cub-board up from now so i can be sure to have it right by then.

Thanks :joint:

KB :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks, but dont be throwing that "C" word around...celcius, come on what the hell is that?
its probably because hes canadian like me, we dont use the F word lol all are weather reports on tv are in celcius its just makes the weather not sound so bad, like instead of saying 100F your like holy shit thats hot we are like its 36C with the humidex


Well-Known Member
I cure in a dark room that is 72-74 degrees F year round, and very dry air. In 10 days the haul is a good burn, @ 14 days the booty is an excellent dryness.