Ideal Soil Choice?


Active Member
Hey guys i'm about to start my first grow and i'm curious as to the soil type to use.
If anyone has any tips that would be appreciated. Also whats a good size pot to use.


Well-Known Member
Fox farms Ocean Forest is good, and there are others as well. I've found good soil and advice at some Hydro shops. Pot size depends on how long you are growing and space limitations. I wouldnt go below 5 gallons, and bigger is better if you have the room


Active Member
Thanks for the info. Is there a website to get fox farm products if your in Canada? I've heard their good for nutrients as well.


Active Member
i think im gonna try this ocean forest stuff if I can find somewhere in canada that sells it or somewhere that ships to canada.


Active Member
My current plants are in FFOF. The seedlings I just started are in a 50/50 mix of FFOF and Light Warrior. That's how I've always done things and have always been happy w the results. Do be careful if you go w straight OF though, as mentioned above you won't want to feed for at least two weeks or may run the chance of burning your babies


Active Member
I would have never considered accidentally hurting the young plants. maybe its best to use a miracle grow soil during early stages then transfer into ffof.


Active Member
i start all my seeds in FFOF. Just don't use nutes for a good week or two. Have a near 100% success rate with FFOF.


Active Member
excellent. Thanks for the confirmation. So my next stupid question is that if everyone agrees that fox farm makes great soil then their nutrients gotta be good too correct?


Active Member
I use em. Sound like a freakin sales rep for fox farm over here, but like I said, it's what I've always used and I like the results. Take it slow at first. 1/4 strength from what their feeding schedule says, 1/2 strength, and up from there. Let your plants tell you how hungry they are. I have only used the 3 pack though (big bloom, grow big, & tiger bloom). Never tried the couldn't tell ya about those. Only other additive I use is unsulphered blackstrap molasses during the last few weeks of flowering.... Good luck w the grow!


Sorry duder, but you can't ship foxfarm across the border into Canada any more something about the pathogens in the wormcastings they use. If you do chance upon it some where its probably a few years old and left over from before and no good.


Active Member
im wondering if e-gay is a viable option. im gonna guess that most vendors wont label the package "illegal plant nutrients" so I should be fine. Problem is thats a moderatly expensive thing to chance. Anyone have any other good nutrient companies available in canada?