idea for outdoor seed starter - input needed


Active Member
hi guys, i'm a total noob trying to get ready for a guerrilla grow next year. been reading lots of grow books and pouring through the RIU forums and grow journals and picking up lots of great information. So thanks! Many of you have helped me tremendously already and don't even know it.

anyway, due to the unique security concerns of my living arrangement, (no, it's not mom's basement, but i can't really say much else), i'm not going to be able to start my girls inside next year. however, i don't want to just plant the seeds outside and leave them to the elements and the critters.

I came up with what i think is an acceptable solution, but i was hoping some of you could look it over and just let me know what you think. will it work? waste of time? could it be improved or is there a better, existing solution?

I would take 5 gallon buckets with lids, and cut out the center of the lid, leaving only the lip that attaches to the buckets. i would cut a round piece of plexiglass and attach it to the top of the lid to let in light. then i would drill lots and lots of small holes around the top few inches of the bucket to provide some ventilation while protecting from wind gusts (we get some pretty violent storms that time of year), and also let in some light from the sides. i would also drill holes in the bottom for drainage. it would protect it from just about any kind of critter i can think of, (except bugs), and when the plant is strong and healthy enough, i can transplant it directly into the soil.

i could even partially bury the buckets, adding stealth and providing an already-dug hole when it comes time to transplant.

what do you guys think?




Active Member
Make sure your bucket's white and enough light will get in. Look into "cloches" or "bells" for starting seeds. You can make a simple one out of a 2L soda bottle.

Otherwise your design is alright, your key element to consider is frost protection.


Well-Known Member
Dude no need for all that, simply put your seed in soil. I use 5 gallon buckets then transplant from there. Never had a problem.


Well-Known Member
Oh make the hole your seed is going in fairly shallow. I use the first line by my knuckle on my index finger. Poke all my buckets like that, put seeds in, cover, water, wait for sprout.