Idea for a grow shed in my attick

James Bond

Well-Known Member
Ok, I have an idea for a shed to be built in my attick. It will be an 8x8 base 6' tall on two sides and peek at 8' in the center. It will fit in the attick, but I am concerned with heat. I was thinking about venting it from the garage. My garage needs to be vented, oh and my garage is attached to the house so it stays cool under 90f, so I thought I would run a 4" diameter duct with in-line fan from the garage into to shed and then vent the shed out the attick vent with another fan. Do you guys think this would keep it cool enough? I can give more details about the set up if you need.


Well-Known Member
i decided against attic grow becoz im a noob 1st timer and wouldnt be able to control the atmosphere as well.

also theres other risks such as mold when growing in an attic. id try stay away from it.

if u feel up to the challenge then id get reading up,lol.

James Bond

Well-Known Member
Venting it the way I plan to I don't think I'll have a mold problem. I'm worried more about extreme climate times like mid summer and winter.


Well-Known Member
yes it will be soo sooo hot man cuz even of it stays like 80 f in there, pop some super hot lights in there and the temps will sky rocket. heat rises after all,

I have a hard time keeping my closet under 85 f and i got air conditioned air going into it

you will def need some air cooled grow lights. and have lights on at night when its cooler.

even might could only grow in the winter. but then u have the cold problem when the lights are off.

your best bet is to scarifice a closet. I want as far as sealing off my closet and installin a 20"x20" vent grate to make it look like just a vent.

i crawl throught the vent and its a nice secret sunny day in there:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yes it will be soo sooo hot man cuz even of it stays like 80 f in there, pop some super hot lights in there and the temps will sky rocket. heat rises after all,

I have a hard time keeping my closet under 85 f and i got air conditioned air going into it

you will def need some air cooled grow lights. and have lights on at night when its cooler.

even might could only grow in the winter. but then u have the cold problem when the lights are off.

your best bet is to scarifice a closet. I want as far as sealing off my closet and installin a 20"x20" vent grate to make it look like just a vent.

i crawl throught the vent and its a nice secret sunny day in there:mrgreen:
I love it... you crawl through your vent.. now thats stealth, got a picture man i would love to see that....


Well-Known Member
If your going to build something that size and you can afford to insulate it, well insulate it.

It would be a good time for more specs of the building materials you plan on using, including wall covering inside and/or out. If you use 2x6 lumber you could use R19 fiberglass insulation w/a vapor barrier and that would probably be enough. If not then wrap the outside with a 1" or 2" board insulation.
Does your attic have insul in the floors or ceiling? If it doesn't have insul in the ceiling and you plan on doing so then make sure you leave a gap between the insul and the actual roof. It needs the gap to vent.

It sounds like a small addition by the time you get done with all the steps in building some thing like this. If you are handy it will be easy though. Just think it out first with some thought about what you really want. Sketches help. Stuff like different parts to it for clone/seedlings, veg area, blooming and the lighting for each, venting (cooling/heating) each (you don't want light leaks from one to the next), etc. Also soil verses hydro, power safety and consumption and on and on.

I think most find a way to grow (soil/hydro), figure the lighting, venting(cooling/heating) and plan the area as those two things are usually big space consumers, besides your blooming girls.

If you have a grow journal leave a link.


Well-Known Member
I love it... you crawl through your vent.. now thats stealth, got a picture man i would love to see that....

man ive been wanting to post pics and shit soooo soooo sooo bad but i keep thinking that would ruin the whole secretness of it

but man its soo cool, i have a desk pushed up against the wall where the door used to be so u cant even fathom that it could be in there:mrgreen: plus the vent is light proofed but not breathproof so it lets air through

def helps if you got kids and a lot of people who come to your place

plus no one is finding that shit short of a dog and i may just have about a pound of cyanne pepper all around the vent incase one trys to come a'sniffin:mrgreen:

now if i can only figure out a way to make the closet self destruct by remote incase theres a breach.........:blsmoke: maybe a quik gas fire followed by a overkill sprinkler setup????

hmmmmm sounds dangerous:shock: i guess ill just take the rap if they get that far:neutral:
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Well-Known Member
Yea i don't know about the self destruct feature, i for-see problems with that...... but thats sick man, i wish my setup was stealth, but i guess i don't need it to be so i didnt want to spend the cash to do so. My closet glows like a mother fucker, regardless of the amount of light in my room. Its kinda scary at times but then I walk in, look at my growers certificate, roll one up, and relax and let her do her thing.


Well-Known Member
Yea i don't know about the self destruct feature, i for-see problems with that...... but thats sick man, i wish my setup was stealth, but i guess i don't need it to be so i didnt want to spend the cash to do so. My closet glows like a mother fucker, regardless of the amount of light in my room. Its kinda scary at times but then I walk in, look at my growers certificate, roll one up, and relax and let her do her thing.

nice i know the pleasures of that:mrgreen: but incase you smoke in the closet with your gurls i heard its not good for them

James Bond

Well-Known Member
I planned on fiberglass insulation. I am planning on doing .5"+ plywood floor, osb walls, great stuff in the cracks, and mylar reflective sheeting lined walls. I had planned on 2x4's and a possible osb outer layer. I was going to pipe in my vented air from the garage into the lower part of the shed and vent out the top to the outside. Inline fan on both peices of duct to keep the air moving. I'm only planning on using Fluoros because of the heat issues. I know that the hps(I think thats right) lights are far superior, but as of right now my plans are stritcty to use fluoros. Power consumption is a concern as well as heat. I entetain guests fairly often and even though I think it's in her head my wife claims to smell it all over the house. I will work on a descriptive sketch to show you guys what I'm talking about.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good Mr. Bond, or can I call you 007?

Yeh, my wifes tokes and she is always saying stuff like, "It smells like weed in here", and then grabs the effing spray shit.

I think its in their head.

Women, can't live with them, can't kill them.

Actually my wife is pretty cool about most things along these lines.

And I'll respect your username James Bond, thats why you picked it.

James Bond

Well-Known Member
Women, can't live with them, can't kill them.

LOL, I light candles so that she doesn't say to much but she isn't that cool about anything so to stop the nagging I will be moving them to the attick. I have to build my shed and make a temperature log first though so I can be sure they won't be in any danger.

Oh, and call whatever you want Mr. Bond, Bond, James, 007, etc. I take no offense and it's all in fun.

James Bond

Well-Known Member
Ok, the room is in its construction phase right now. It is 8x8 floor space, the walls are black plastic sheeting stapled to studs, and I am working on a ventelation system that will vent from my garage or outside the house.


Well-Known Member
Great, post some pictures when you can. I've been planning on an attic grow myself.....for over a year now. And my attic is the only place I have because we have family staying with us so often. One thing I would recomend is try and get a source of water for up there. The plants will get thirsty!

James Bond

Well-Known Member
Ok, here are some pictures. It is hard to get pictures in my attick so this is the best I can do. I have yet to line the inside with with reflective mylar and I have to get the ventilation set up.


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Well-Known Member
looks like you have alot of room. But you are going to have major heat issues, even if you do vent it. This is what I would do. Insulate it with r19 or 30. Then cover the walls with 1/2" foam board and seal the seams and gaps with duct tap.Get it nice and air tight. And buy yourself a good portable ac unit to put in their. It doesnt sound like you have central air in your home to tap off of. What part of the country are you in?

James Bond

Well-Known Member
I have central air, I am not wanting to tap off of it though. I think I can bring in cool air through the garage though. It stays cool in my garage(attached to the house) and the garage needs to be vented any ways. I am going to get the ventalation work done and keep a temp log before I move the plants in. If I can't keep a decent temp then I will consider tapping into my a/c. I also thought about insulating it, but really my attick isn't that hot compared to many other atticks I've been in.


Well-Known Member
I was in my attic earlier today and it had to be at least 120 degrees in there. Its a big attic with 2 small attic fans and still hot as shit, I turned the thermostats on the fans down and a few hours later it was better but still hot, I couldnt imagine trying to grow in there, unless maybe I added an extra duct off the AC to help cool it.

James Bond

Well-Known Member
Well I have a tin roof and I have noticed that it is much cooler in my attick than my parents attick, they have a shingle roof. If I could get a picture to show you guys how the attick is with all the places for outside air to circulat you would see why it stays cooler. I spend a couple hours up there every time I work on the enclosure and I am hot, but no to hot. My attick doesn't have any vent fans either.