I'd like some recommendations on how to go about choosing my mother plant


Well-Known Member
when germinating 5 femanized seeds... what would you recommend i do to ensure i can pick a good female mother?

either germinate and grow till im able to clone each plant once.. root the clones and send into flower to determine sex making sure thy're not hermie. (marking each clone and mother so i know which is which)
.. then choose the strongest clones mom that isnt hermie to be the mother?

..or after germinating the seeds.. and when ive got sufficient root growth, send into flower to determine sex (not hermie)..
then choose the strongest female and regress back to veg to be my mother?

..or should i just throw caution to the wind and believe that these seeds are 100% femanized? (nirvana ak-48)

ive heard mixed reviews on regressing back to veg.. but ive never asked myself. i'd appreciate some expert advice on this topic or even any other possible methods. thanks!!

peace love n smoke



Well-Known Member
if you want a viable mother to keep long term then fem'd seeds are not really the way to go.

I would always use reg's to find a viable mother.

If you just want to keep the strain around for a little while then fem'd are ok.

I would germ all the beans labelling each one and watch how they veg.
Clone them and keep a diary of rooting times.
Flower them and see which pheno has a good all round grow.

Then choose to keep the labelled donor that matches everything you are looking for.



Well-Known Member
sweet.. thanks 4 your time and the info!
i think i'm going to go with regular seeds in the future.. i got sucked into the whole 'femanized' deal without doing the proper research.

i'd like to get the show on the road lol .. so when would you recommend being the soonest i can clone without gambling on damaging them?


Well-Known Member
Clone each of them and label carefully. Then grow out all of the original seeds and determine which one finished the best. Throw the other 4 clones away or give to a friend.

What Jondamon said