Icehouse = terrible beer

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
i can't believe anyone actually buys icehouse. i thought it was just there to make the store seem stocked. or natural ice, basically the same thing. fucking gross. i'll stick with sam adams, thank you.
I hear ya, I tried icehouse..... once, and that was enough. My friend drinks natural light :spew: and I drink the good stuff, he asked me why I drink the expensive stuff and I told him because I want to taste my beer when I drink it.


I had one of these sunday, it was pretty damn good.
Man I think the next seed I plant, thursday this week, I'm going organinc jungle grow (Lowes) and perlite, no nutes... What do yall think? Anyone use fish emulsions or molasses? My two bubblegums look like CRAP! and I have no idea why my plants look so bad unless its the nutes or the soil... ugh...
im not sure on the fish emulsions but i LOVE using molasses up