Iced Grapefruit, Skunk#1, Menage a Trois, Flower from day 1

When I found something that could help me the way cannabis does, it was a no brainer. I was extremely lucky to have an older brother smoke with me after getting out of the hospital, and it blew my mind how well I felt after smoking. I raided the refrigerator which I never could, took a long nap which I never did, and when my mom came home I exclaimed to her how much better I felt. She never batted an eye, she only warned me to be extremely safe because others didn't like the idea of cannabis as medicine. I was almost instantly sick again. I had a cure, but wasn't allowed to use?!?! WTF?!

I haven't had a chance to run the Nebula yet. She smells nice, and fruity already though. I'll be throwing her in flower soon, I still have a couple clones of her. We'll see how she does, and figure out if I want to keep her around.

I messed up my AGS in flower. I only had her in a 2 gal which she had been in for a while. When she started getting hungry, the girl started to eat her self up for nourishment, she looks like poo now. Oh well, now I know. I'll still get a little something off of her. I top dressed her, and gave her a heavy does of tea. I have 3 more cuts of her, and plan on popping a couple more beans of the strain.

Sorry I haven't posted more pics, I'm having trouble doing it from my phone, and I never have time to get out the laptop.

I hope everyone is healthy, and happy.
Peace & Love, Myco
Long weekend!
Xplanted everything out of my cloner. Xplanted 3 1gal ladies into 5's. Took down an Afghani. Cleaned the cloner, and filled it with new cuts. Jarred up a Sugar Haze I forgot to ever mention cuz it was the last lady I had of that strain. Plus we had my daughters 2nd B-day party so I had to clean the house top to bottom, and get the yard respectable, and set up tents, and all that.

Broke down some Sour Blue, put the scissor hash from the sugar Haze in it with a little Iced Grapefruit wax. Peace out lovely people, Myco is hitting the sack!:bigjoint:
It's good to be busy. I read that and see a very fortunate man. Busy with his growing. Busy with his family. That's what's it all about and NEVER let anyone tell you differently. That's a great life my friend.

Great looking picture. Sounds like you have some really cool things going on.
You're %100 correct GdG, being busy with family & friends, and also having a full garden makes me an extremely lucky man! I've never felt more fulfilled in my life to be honest. I don't even have my garden to where I want it yet, and I can't even keep up with it, lots of ladies, full jars, and all the material I could ever want for extracts. I also get to spend all my time with my daughter as a stay at home dad, now that's fuckin cool!! And when the kid naps, I get to do this...20160516_114452.jpg 20160516_114444.jpg
Training day for the next gen Aloha Grapestompers.

It's good to see ya bro, thank you as always for the advice, and kind words. I wait patiently for when you get your garden back up, and running. It really is an amazing feeling spending your time with your ladies, and watching them thrive. It's hard to explain to anyone who has never been there, but you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Good vibes, and smoke rings your way my friend.
Peace & Love, Myco
Your plants look green and your space looks clean. That's the secret. A clean area is priority number one.

The peace that comes from this wonderful passion of ours is truly amazing. Growing took me through many things in my life. Great moments and bad ones too. I want all of you guys out there to never take for granted the gift of growing your own. You're the man Myco. Proud you're my friend.
I promise you, I've never taken the gift of my garden for granted, far from. I stand up, and preach to anyone who will listen, we all need it to be legal!
Something inherently sexy about twins, I'm Goin down on these 220160516_222047.jpg

Peace & Love, Myco:eyesmoke:
You couldn't be more correct GdG, cleanliness is so important, I couldn't stress that more! Keep everything connected to your grow as clean as possible. It's a pain in the ass, but it pays off in dividends. I'm a lot less lazy now that I have a kid, never knew I was such a slob before her.
I soaked, and then put 3 more seeds of the AGS into soil. They had all opened, and had their tap root sticking out a little bit. Hopefully I'll get a couple of females. I also did the same with a Delahaze fem seed from Paradise Seeds.
Peace & Love, Myco
Youve grown lots of Dank, doesnt surprise me youre always saying "I grew that". I'll have to check out Genstash, and Thug Pug. I can only imagine what Genuity has laying around, and probably lots of dank I couldn't imagine.
I'm happy to report all the seeds came up, and they're looking good. Time to start chopping on some Sour Blueberry, hope everyone is well.
Peace & Love, Myco
Yeah. Years ago I was in Montreal. This was before shipping seeds around the world really was mainstream. I found a place that sold beans up there. I took what they had. A Paradise strain named Ice Cream too. Fun days bro.

Sour Blueberry. Jesus. Sounds great. Who bred that? You'll be happy to check out those two. Check out Bigworm too. I'm just loving catching back up on the latest. I hope all is well.
All is great, spent Saturday at the zoo with Evey. Love your stories bro. Montreal sounds like a fun adventure at the time.
Sour Blueberry is an original from HSO. Tasty, medium strong, and a really vigorous vegger. A sour indica, mixed with Blueberry. I smoke her all day, leaves me functional, but we'll medicated.
Peace & Love, Myco.
The 3 AGS seedlings are doing good. They stretched a little bit so I went, and bought em their own 2ft T5ho to try to keep down on that. The Delahaze seedling looks good too. I'm gonna scope the AGS I have in flower, but I'm pretty sure she's done. I flipped her on 4/10, she's a quick finisher. Her scent is a little hard to describe. The best I can do is she smells like artificial grape flavor, and a bouquet of exotic flowers. It comes off light, and extremely uplifting. Can't wait to smoke on her!
Hope everyone is well.
Peace & Love, Myco
I loved my 2 foot t5s. I had a few of those. I just love lights of all kind.

That sure is a fast finisher. Wow. I can't wait to hear more. Thanks for the updates Myco. I'm enjoying hearing what you have going on. Im jealous!
I love lights too, I've collected a few over the years trying new tech out. I've come to the conclusion all white led's are what I want in my garden in the future.
I didn't get to pull the AGS last night, but I'm going to this evening. The scissor hash is gonna be epic!
I'll post some pics this evening of the trim job. Time to go, a cute little girl wants me to watch Goonies with her.
Peace & Love, Myco