Iced Grapefruit, Skunk#1, Menage a Trois, Flower from day 1

C.O.Ma Genetics, Hell yea! OBR x SM. I couldn't even imagine the frost on those bro. I wish you high germination rates, and as many females as a Pharaoh's harem.


Thanks Myco. I will save you a few if these turn out to be anything. Btw....what the hell does your avatar mean my brother?
Guys... Yesterday a member of parliament stood up and demanded legal medical weed. He told his story and got a standing ovation. Our president immediately ordered our minister of health to look into it. We are talking oil and oil alone. Legal hash oil.

Holy shit. Thus is going to happen fast. Who wants to move here and start an extraction lab?....
Guys... Yesterday a member of parliament stood up and demanded legal medical weed. He told his story and got a standing ovation. Our president immediately ordered our minister of health to look into it. We are talking oil and oil alone. Legal hash oil.

Holy shit. Thus is going to happen fast. Who wants to move here and start an extraction lab?....

That's awesome. It's about time the world opens their eyes.
I can completely relate to the dark place bro. I hope we are just in a phase. It seems that I am in this phase a ton though. :evil: Let's go to S. Africa.

Things start off beautiful......and then it all goes to shit! Yea, after 4/20 I'm 100% game for S. Africa! I can work in an extraction lab for real. You guys can pay me in oil, and I'll chill in my little hut all day on the beach when I'm off work, LOL! No stress, no women(except maybe a hooker now & then), and no Bull Shit! Why can't women be like plants, I can train the shit out of a plant. Support it when she needs, tie the bitch down, and pinch the hell out of her when she needs it too. Just can't do that with a person, LOL.

On a brighter note, my plants are looking nice.
I can completely relate to the dark place bro. I hope we are just in a phase. It seems that I am in this phase a ton though. :evil: Let's go to S. Africa.

The wheel is turning I can feel it. The lowest ebb was last week, for everybody. It is almost worse once you see the light at the end of the tunnel, because the light is AT THE END OF THE FU**ING TUNNEL. Stupid place to go put a friggin light. Who the hell is in charge of that thing anyway? End of the tunnel my ass, why not just give me a flashlight if you're gonna be putting lights up and shit.
Some pics hot out of the garden.



Both the OBR's are complete keepers, but I love #1! The Bay11 are really nice too, incredible smell to her. I can't say too much about the Sleeskunk. I'm sure it's a bad pheno thing, just not diggin on her. She does have a lovely Skunk scent to her, and will make some nice oil for sure. The first 2 pics of the OBR are from just under the LED panel. The camera is hitting it in one of them. This plant loves her light!

Seriously though, who's down for S. Africa?
The wheel is turning I can feel it. The lowest ebb was last week, for everybody. It is almost worse once you see the light at the end of the tunnel, because the light is AT THE END OF THE FU**ING TUNNEL. Stupid place to go put a friggin light. Who the hell is in charge of that thing anyway? End of the tunnel my ass, why not just give me a flashlight if you're gonna be putting lights up and shit.

Fuckin 'LIKE' all day long!!!! I wish I could Rep you bro, and not in RCM's way. Too damn funny, thanks I needed that!!
At this point SA is as good an option as I have. I need a fresh start in a new place I'm thinking. :joint:

Those all look amazing Myco. Just wait until the real frost kicks in with the OBRs. I will be able to tell if you have a Grape Stomper dom very soon. :hump:
First of all, this is what I'm up to tonight.
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I would like to go on record as saying 'Fleeing to S. Africa would probably be smart right now!' I'm having such a great 2 days, I know a very large hammer is looming over my ass somewhere. waiting to come crashing in on my good time, LOL! You might wonder why I'm drinking, and smoking large joints if my days are going so great, and you would be smart to ask. Truth is, I went out with a friend tonight, and had such a good damn time my mind is fuckin reeling from it. Went out with this person yesterday too, and had to go out tonight, LOL.
Being able to graze in 2 fields makes for happy cows! :hump: Myco
First of all, this is what I'm up to tonight.
View attachment 3002078 X 50

I would like to go on record as saying 'Fleeing to S. Africa would probably be smart right now!' I'm having such a great 2 days, I know a very large hammer is looming over my ass somewhere. waiting to come crashing in on my good time, LOL! You might wonder why I'm drinking, and smoking large joints if my days are going so great, and you would be smart to ask. Truth is, I went out with a friend tonight, and had such a good damn time my mind is fuckin reeling from it. Went out with this person yesterday too, and had to go out tonight, LOL.
Being able to graze in 2 fields makes for happy cows! :hump: Myco

I am behind you 100%. Make yourself happy and everything will be as it should. I am loaded but I am speaking the truth.
Guys give me a few days, I need to give you the full rundown on this place. I will even link up with the Israelis, they know exactly what business is kicking. Last I heard it was earthworms lol. Getting something going here is easy. Infinite sun. Good shipping. Perfect place to start any kinda exports... Anyhow I will be on it over the next while.
While we wait for the Mad Hamsters break down of things, here's some pics to enjoy.
Even right under the led's like this, there isn't the slightest sign of bleaching. She loves that light!

OBR#1 in all her glory!
hehe, gotta say Ive been stalking your posts to see how the 2014-model would treat your plants. Really glad you like them. I hope to be moving during this year and end up with more growspace. The country's taking a turn for the worse though, import is as good as impossible, so dont think Ill be able to ever order another quality LED-fixture. A shame. I even ordered seeds Jan 8, still havent arrived yet. Everything is to be looked through and taxed when coming in. Hope my seeds will be ok. Now cloning is a must... Hate it, I suck at cloning. Do you have any experience with a bubblecloner?
You are the man Myco. :joint:
Thanks GdG! I'm telling you right now bro, go get yourself some strange! It's amazing how you feel, when you feel 'wanted'. Just a suggestion, but I highly recommend it!:hump:

hehe, gotta say Ive been stalking your posts to see how the 2014-model would treat your plants. Really glad you like them. I hope to be moving during this year and end up with more growspace. The country's taking a turn for the worse though, import is as good as impossible, so dont think Ill be able to ever order another quality LED-fixture. A shame. I even ordered seeds Jan 8, still havent arrived yet. Everything is to be looked through and taxed when coming in. Hope my seeds will be ok. Now cloning is a must... Hate it, I suck at cloning. Do you have any experience with a bubblecloner?

I have an 8 site bucket cloner from HTG supply. It uses a sprayer head, and is relatively inexpensive. There are quite a few ways to clone. I just rooted a Critical Jack in a coffee cup of water changed every day, and a drop of G.H. Rapid Start added. It doesn't take much to be successful, cleanliness, attention to detail, and experimentation to see what works best for YOU. I like Hamish' way of doing things, find someone who is very successful at what they're doing, and copy that shit, every detail. Once you have something up, and running, and working, you can make adjustments that suit your needs. What country are you in, just curious? Sorry if you told me before, and i forget, I'm super stoned right now, back's out.
I love the LED's, and would recommend them to anyone wanting to go with a stealthy, simplistic grow. You just can't go wrong with them IMO! If you want to bitch about start up costs, you're in the wrong game, LOL! I hope you get to move, and end up with that extra space you're looking for bro. I was extremely lucky to be able to do just that myself, and now have quite a bit more space. I need to work on utilizing it more efficiently. I'm a lazy bastard. I also hope your beans get to you bro, nothing worse than lost packages in the mail, and wondering WTF happened to your shit. Watch some utube videos on cloning, and just go nuts with it. Take a million clones, and work on your skills. When you pop a bean make it worth your trouble, and clone the shit out of every one. Find a pheno you fall in love with, and you'll have that lady for the rest of your life bro. I have a strong feeling I'll have my OBR#1 for a very long time, the frosty, stinky ass, diamond plated beauty she is, LOL. Best of luck BB89. You don't have to stalk bro, jump on in the conversation if you want. The more the merrier. Have a great day everyone. :joint:Myco