Iced grapefruit grow!


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody.Ive been tryin out new strains and stumbled upon "IG" from Female seeds.Grapefruit X'd with ICE.Sounds tasty dont it.The seeds were from Herbies head shop.I germd them using the ol' paper towel technique.they popped half-inch roots overnight and also broke soil in about 24 hrs.I'm growing in plain ol' Hyponex soil.I started it in a styrofoam coffee cup.I'll transplant into 2 gal. pot when ready.For now i got it under 2 23 watt ,6500k bulbs in reflectors.wiil post pics after lunch and :joint:

Cheap Basterd

Active Member
Pretty much how I plan to start my first grow.

Looking forward to seeing the pics.

Enjoy your lunch. What ya havin'?

Cheap Basterd
On 2 nd grow of ig start 2 nd one same time as you .got mine from herbies with 2 free seeds coletrain applejack there wicked and easy to grow but do grow v tall I bet your going to love them


Well-Known Member
THX MAN.I PLAN 2 VEG FOR AT LEAST 4 WEEKS.i havent got any freebies from herbie,but my orders are never big so...lemme see how yours grows compared to of now mine is currently in recovery from near drowning.(damn MG ORG. dont drain worth shit)ill post pics tomorrow.they r about 2" and have 2 sets of leaves.