ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

Tell us why plant waxes are harmful

In the probiotic farmers alliance group on facebook. I was attacked by a troll saying bho is cleaner than rosin because of fats and lipids. Smoking those waxes supposedly cause pneumonia. But couldn't back it up with anything. Just continually talked shit. If that were true we wouldn't be able to smoke flowers even. I've never had pneumonia in my entire life.
bho does have more lipids
that guy or conversation doesnt make sense

when did i say they were super harmful? or harmful at all. your post was humorous to me, hence the lol. yiu dont make sesne when you speak. so i wont be responding to ya, sorry bro.
obviously the decomposition gives products that promote cancer and are overall "bad" though

when you burn cooking oil for example..should be fairly intuitive
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I have noticed people attempting to isolate THCA ingesting it and relaying its affect, but I think their curiosity is born of a guess as to its stripping affect. As a precursor I mentioned potential THC with shelf life in mind which is something I don't feel the shatter or rosin community takes into consideration.
when did i say they were super harmful? or harmful at all. your post was humorous to me, hence the lol
obviously the decomposition gives products that promote cancer and are overall "bad" though

when you burn cooking oil for example..should be fairly intuitive
Nah, I know I was being silly. The waxes question is for general usage, I'm going with the flow of what I noticed being discussed regarding ice-water agitation. Yes combustion heeds carcinogen, but in the spirit of cross referencing the cooking world and vaping I don't know many patrons who would want a steak done at 720 degrees.
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"water molecules" seems an ambiguous term, but to serve your argument I can understand why you are replacing the ambiguity with H2O.
water molecule= 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen
Doesn't seem ambiguous to me.
Carbon Dioxide= CO2
When you say "water molecules" what are you being ambiguous about?
CO2 is what evaporates in this equation.
water molecule= 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen
Doesn't seem ambiguous to me.
Carbon Dioxide= CO2
When you say "water molecules" what are you being ambiguous about?
CO2 is what evaporates in this equation.
Raw cannabis mainly contains THCA which is not psychoactive. When you smoke cannabis, the THCA molecule loses its carboxylic group (COOH) in the form of water vapor and carbon dioxide and becomes THC – which is psychoactive.

Also soluble; 11-COOH-THC is formed in the body by oxidation of the active metabolite 11-Hydroxy-THC (also known as 11-OH-THC) by liver enzymes. It is then metabolized further by conjugation with glucuronide, forming a water-soluble congener which can be more easily excreted by the body.

Protodecarboxylation I am not as familiar with, but I think it pertinent knowing carboxylic acid with concentrated hydrochloric acid produces protonated carbon dioxide and is likely to occur by initial addition of water and a proton.

I ran across Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry, Volume 47 discussing Energy of Alternative to CO2. What really struck me though was an article Decarboxylation of Δ 9-tetrahydrocannabinol: Kinetics and molecular modeling; discusses the idea of catalysis by water to catalysis by an acid.
Hi i use the ice water/blender method to make my hash, but the step of pouring the water through the coffee filter to catch the hash is pretty tedious as once some hash collects it clogs the drainage of the filter, any tips on making that go faster or on improving the method?
Hi i use the ice water/blender method to make my hash, but the step of pouring the water through the coffee filter to catch the hash is pretty tedious as once some hash collects it clogs the drainage of the filter, any tips on making that go faster or on improving the method?

I'm not sure what the blender could possibly be used for, but I use a steel spoon and elbow grease to gently separate the trichs from the leaf/trim and run thru 220/160/120/90/73iu bubble bags. Would you kind of explain your procedure, I'm curious?
Put product in the freezer until it is lil crunchy, gently break it down to not upset the trichs, that goes in first, then ice i usually use 6 cubes per half oz, add enough water to get a nice freez-e type consistency, pour chopped flowers in metal coffe strainer ovee a container to catch the water, let container sit in fridge for 30 mins- 1 hr, all the trichs will settle at the bottom, siphon or GENTLY pour our water until you see all those trichs at the bottom, tape paper coffee filter to second container, pour the trichs and what liquid is left on paper strainer, the water will drain leaving all your pretty trichs, may need to add a little water to first container if some trichs stick to the bottom, spread out hash, do not squeeze out moisture or place on a surface that will suck the water out, spread evenly and let dry until its ready, either ball it up or smoke crumbled
Is someone stupid enough to really pay that?

Ya bro.. people are paying up to 220$ a gram for Matt rize hash. Matt values is head stash hash at over 200$ a gram.

Matt values his greenhouse grown weed at 3K a pack and claims his cost to wash his own material is $50 a gram..

Go check out hashcurch #73 on YouTube and scroll to around the 3 hour 10 min mark and you can find Matt rize himself talking about 200$ grams.

I'm sure he will delete this soon.